My thoughts on the Nukara passives: I'm really very iffy about them. On one hand, the additional hull is puny and has little meaningful effect. It is, however, unconditionally "good", in the sense that it cannot be counterproductive. The shield penetration perks, on the other hand, do not actually increase the damage you do: They simply alter what proportion of it is applied to shields, and what proportion of it is applied to hull. But unless you are killing an opponent through his shields, the net effect is that nothing changes...and if anything, the process takes longer. Why?
In Netrek, an advanced player strategy is that we "split" damage between shields and hull, deliberately lowering shields before they have failed to intentionally take hull damage. This allows both natural shield and hull regeneration (the only way to recover damage) to work simultaneously, essentially giving you a 50% boost in regeneration (hull repairs at half the rate of shields). In STO, the concept is analogous: If you split your damage, your opponent's hull heals and regeneration will begin to work at the same time they still have shields to heal, so rather than his hull heals sitting idle and doing nothing because he has no damage to heal, they get to repair damage.
Remember, unlike DEM and other shield-penetrating damages, the Nukara passives do not increase the damage you deal. DEM inflicts EXTRA damage. Nukara passives don't, they just divide the damage. So unless the increased damage is enabling you to kill your enemies while their shields are still don't gain anything. On GROUND, this is quite possible to do with a good stabbing, and an additional penetration boost translates to increased facestabbing damage, since swords don't have perfect penetration either. In SPACE, the bonus is...considerably less clear. In nearly all PvE scenarios, you will simply batter an opponent into submission by crushing all his defenses anyway, and opponents rarely have any significant healing worth mentioning. In PvP, the above scenario becomes much more of a thing.
All in all, there is not much in the Nukara passives that really stands out as Excellent that will change your game. I would simply sit on them and choose nothing at this time, except maybe Ground Penetration vs. Health, but even there, there's nothing that's going to make or break you.