So, whats the next step once you hit level 50?
Elite STF until your fingers bleed, Crystal Entithingie until you develop an acute case of 'I hate shiny crap', and Foundry missions until you can't take the LARPing anymore.
And if your character is a chick with a bare midriff there's getting private messages along the lines of 'Want to see my bridge? Wink, wink.' until you have five times more people ignored than friended.
Scimitar is going to be revealed and released this month. My money is on it being a cruiser-carrier hybrid.
The only thing WRONG with the D'deridex for me is that it just doesn't look right if it's not using at least one Dual Beam...
The Scimitar will most definitely be a carrier and I think chances are very good it's going to be the next C-store 3-pack. I've been willing to make a 100k dil bet with anyone on the STO forum who disagrees on that but so far no takers...
You are so mean to Neko. T_T I can barely play one MMO and now I am tempted to play TWO.
As far as the D'Deridex goes, I really want to like that ship because I've always loved how it looks, but that base turn really, REALLY sucks. I'm currently flying the free Ha'apax (same turnrate as the DD) while I level up and I feel like I'm going to die of old age waiting for that thing to turn around. I've never flown a Bortasqu but now I see why people despise it so. It's unbelievably frustrating to be able to mount heavy cannons on a ship that will never be able to bring them to bear.
If anyone has ideas on how to make these beasts work please let me know, I still want a DD if there's a way to make that a viable choice, but at the moment I'm leaning heavily towards the Mogai or the T'Varo.
I have a few ideas myself but it is mostly theorycraft: I have been far from the game for a long time so I do not know if they would still work.
1. Have a brutal alpha. You decloak while they are busy fighting someone else and let PAAAAAAIN rain on them. That's the only way to use that Feddie ship with the lance and the cloak, but you do not have a lance so...
2. Use the battlecloak to turn. More importantly, use the battlecloak IN REVERSE to turn. Going on reverse does raise your turn rate in a very perceptible way if you are in a space whale.
3. Aux2Damp and evasive maneuvers. This can be cool if you are an Engi because you do not need all those engineer slots for heals, and because you have an advantage over other cruisers in that you can cloak if you get too much heat, so you do not need to be so much of an ubertank as Carriers and Space Whales need to be.
4. Subspace jump. This can work prettily with the ALPHA STRIKE OF DEATH if you wait to jump until you have another ALPHA STRIKE OF DEATH ready. So, like, you decloak, alpha strike their tails, wait, subspace jump, alpha strike their tails, try to remove their mobility with tractors or something so that you can get that extra time in their tails, and cloak.
But you only need that if you are into PvP or Kerrat trolling. The most important thingie, though, is that in PvE and STFs you do not need to turn that much so, like, do what some Carrier people does: Stay at long range and pewpewpewpewpewpewpewpew with your cannons while healing stuff.
The main problem I see with the ship is that it does have that 'submarine' feel at least in paper. Like it was made to be very deliberate and tactical and shit, but last time I was there PvP was all about DPS so, yeah, all that time you are maneuvering and stalking and preparing your ALPHA STRIKE OF DOOM you are doing no DPS at all. It does look like a fun ship for Kerrat and duels, though.
For PvP other than that you can make it a trololol healboat in that you cloak, wait, maneuver, decloak, ALPHA STRIKE OF HATE their tails while healing their target, subspace jump to some other ship, ALPHA STRIKE OF HATE their tails while healing their target, throw the console that confuses their targeting for lulz, and cloak. It is not very useful but it can be fun in a psychological warfare kind of way as healboats are prime targets but, well, they can't prime target you all that well.
Edit: Or just get polaron turrets with plasmonic leech, tetryon turrets, or that weird tetryon beam the feddies get as a mission reward if you can get it by allying with them that does have a much greater chance at proc-ing and be a full healboat.