On another note, after ~80h and having tried all the classes throughout 6 or 7 different characters & builds - MELEE combat sucks. Just sucks. No buts.
Firstly because the AI is trash and all what it does is try to attack you, yet has some serious issues even connecting a proper hit. Seeing troglodytes fight Zephyrien in HM Conflux, both trying to hit those tiny spear thrusts is just hilariously bad. In this regard, hard enemies are just made to spam damage by either close range AOE like the mana mantis, or by murder combos like the Tuanosaur.
What's even worse, the game actually embraces the bad AI, by having a whole elaborate system of traps in place that essentially leads to kiting. The idea of combat preparation is fine & old as RPGs itself, but chugging potions in BG or preparing mutagens in Witcher is a trivial task, kept in line with immersion, but setting up traps is menial in the long run, and kiting seems plain exploitative.
As if it's all not enough, the only thing the AI is quite competent in doing is actually blocking and evading, and doing so is extremely effective as it nullifies the effects of all but few attacks, to a point where whole skills, classes even become pretty useless. The prime offenders here, are chakram magic and rogue dagger skills. If enemy avoids your weapon skill it's not THAT major, because you just have that one cooldown skill, so well, shit happens. But when you have an entire class dedicated to such skills it just feels pointless to sink your resources into it. You can wait with those skills until their guard is broken, but at this point you are already winning anyway, and again a) you don't learn a ranged chakram skill to use it in melee b) rogue using 1H weapons takes quite some time to break a parry.
So essentially it's just not worth the effort to go into melee and the default combat sequence becomes a shitfest of kiting and traps/ranged attacks on cooldown/waiting for status effect kills. Just anything that keeps you ot of harms way, usually running in moronic circles.
On top of that most monsters drop utterly shit loot as if the game was coercing you to just run away from them. It's just weird.