New Experimental Branch Update
We are releasing a new patch on the experimental branch. Unlike the previous patch which was focused on new content, this one is meant to make the game more stable and easier to support in the long term. It also attempts to fix the long loading times when there are too many items in a scene.
- Game engine upgraded from Unity 5.6 to Unity 2018.4*
- Changed how save games are cached on startup to reduce memory usage and reduce boot up time.
- Change how items without durability stacks/are saved to improve loading time.**
- Open Stash interaction reverted to 'press' instead of 'hold'.
- Changed Leyline Connection's description from 0.15 to 0.34.
- Summon Ghost now change zones (loading)
- Steel Shield Durability 175 instead of 220
- Tower Shield Durability 250 instead of 175, Weight 9.0 Instead of 10.0, Dmg/Hit 18 instead of 14.
- Dragon Shield doing Burning instead of Burn.
- Can now buy/sell bullets and arrow individually instead of full stack.
- Runic Claymore will allow runic casting while active. 1h Runic Sword will not anymore. (They were inversed)
- Added PT Serif font as fallback font for missing characters.
- Map Markers won't be reset if an area is being reset.
- Map Markers are now being saved/loaded properly.
- Kirouac being visible in Levant even when left to Monsoon during the Mouth to feed quest.
- Imbue effects timer will not tick down while in a loading.
- The two guards in Vendavel (in the same zone as Croc), now spawn on the right side of the gate.
- Changed all instances of Orochi to Oroshi.
- Calixa's Shield should not block her pistol shot anymore.
- Fix weapons dropped by enemies in the camping events that cause infinite decraft/sell bug.
- Added invisible collisions along the walls to avoid players trying to pass on the side of the wagon while its moving at both locations.
- Fix bow not shooting issues encountered when emptying quiver, or when switching area when a projectile is still in the air.
- Fixes various typos.
*This should reduce stutters issues and crashes on some PC configurations.
Important note: this version does not support mods since it was made using il2cpp (previously mono). From our initial testing, it results in better performance and better stability of the game. This is still subject to change.
**Even though we already strongly suggest to make backup of your save files when switching for the Experimental branch, returning to the Default branch with a save open in the Experimental branch will result in your stack of items to be set back to 1.
Also note that if you had long loading times in the current version of the game, the first loading of each area you had long loading times will still be long, but the following one will have the changes applied.