returned to normal after standing too close to the edge of a map (which I would guess served as a type of wall) with 'multiple projectiles' from Leaping horrors causing a remarkably concentrated effect of Arctic breath
as experiences go, I would say this is easily one of the better ways, rather than experiencing overwhelming damage over time, or, as often the case, mistiming Leap Slam because of slight variances in the ground preventing movement (namely leaping to just such a spot)
that said, I don't think I can remake another melee character at this time, the game can be very enjoyable but there comes a point where I can no longer play according to the design and continue to stack defences (i.e. life and the like) so as to keep playing
whilst range might not have as much natural defence as melee does, range never has to stand in direct melee range, which means about 90% of all circumstances where spiking or anything else can go wrong is just not part of the game
and clearly enough, if GGG tried to rectify this difference people would not play (as much), just as melee can be fun but is either more likely to result in spikes and thus starting from the beginning, or, just I decided with my Templar beforehand, I could not continue to develop defences and still enjoy playing as much (which means in maps, the spike is coming, that is just how the game plays at that stage)
I might try a Ranger, briefly, I have not seen the new Lightning arrow skill in effect and would like to see how it works, but as for now this is a good time to wait and see what the new Prestige classes will be like, and then try them to see how the game plays
one thing I did learn, which may or may not be relevant for those want to play in the hardcore leagues, is that a lot of the early and continuing emphasis on defences can be partially alleviated by way of using a Fortify support gem in one's primary or even secondary skill. This ensures a substantial amount of defence at anytime and out of necessity should be incorporated before mid-to-late game encounters (Dominus in the second difficulty onwards perhaps) but can also allow for an earlier emphasis on more interesting skills if one does not really care to take the same defensive pathways and nodes every time a character is being made
other than that, it does seem as though melee has been generally improved, overall dps seemed significant for limited development and support, Glacial Hammer and Melee Splash seems very effective, Shield Charge is a great skill but not well suited to how the game predominately plays, Cast on Melee seems appears to be effective now (with general improvements to both melee and certain spells e.g. Arc) but is probably never going to compare to how other skill designs and functions typically work. However, it still remains my preferred playstyle even as I tried going 'pure' melee for the most part, so with that decided I look forward to the new Prestige classes and how they might invigorate the game and my preferred playstyles for a time