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Path of Exile is a MAJESTIC incline


Mar 28, 2014
Just saw new currency stash tab.... damn. That is good way to monetize their game.

But for god sakes when will GGG inplement skin texture change ? I mean this is like obvious go to monetization scheme which i would actually spend money for (nothing more than 5$ though) to actually make my char bit different.

Similar situation with character portraits.
Be honest, you want to play a black witch or something like it!

Which would be fine, and hilarious.

Not really, just want to have different chars having different appearance.

Like witch having blond hair or playing tanned templar. Though playing black witch would be great especially coupled with poison/chaos attacks


Dec 3, 2009
Just saw new currency stash tab.... damn. That is good way to monetize their game.

But for god sakes when will GGG inplement skin texture change ? I mean this is like obvious go to monetization scheme which i would actually spend money for (nothing more than 5$ though) to actually make my char bit different.

Similar situation with character portraits.
Be honest, you want to play a black witch or something like it!

Which would be fine, and hilarious.

Not really, just want to have different chars having different appearance.

Like witch having blond hair or playing tanned templar. Though playing black witch would be great especially coupled with poison/chaos attacks
That would be nice. I wonder how hard it would be for GGG to implement. As long as it is just texture swap, is should not be difficult. The difficult things would include a change to the models, like shorter, taller people, longer hair and stuff like that, that is probably out of the question.

But some way of customisation of our toon outside the equipement sure would be good, now when you have a few of the same characters in town all wearing tabulas you get the clone wars feeling. And vanity mtx that allow people to differenciate themselves from the common plebs always sell well.


Jun 16, 2010
A Beautifully Desolate Campaign
And as I already said you can put the fucking white items into vendor stores and not have them shit up the whole screen. Fuck you.

E: also, another day, another server failure. Buy more supporter packs.
E2: actually, that's apparently the second one today.

Jesus you are one retarded crybaby. Do you even realize how important white items are to this game? White items are the single most useful item-type (maybe T1 uniques are a little more important but then again you can chance them off of white items) in the game. The whole game revolves around using your currency to either buy stuff, or craft stuff, and crafting stuff is the way to go for end-game gear.
Do you actually want 5l/6link white items to just be bought off a vendor instead of dropping off monsters (which is already possible, albeit with a low chance)?
Do you actually want chromatics to suddenly become 5x as expensive because their droprate sucks while a majority of them comes off of selling white items?
Do you actually want D2 vendor-bots back that spent days and days resetting Drognan and Larzuk for perfect T3 tier bases for crafting?

If your honest answer to any of these questions is 'yes' you should just go ahead and de-install the game, start-up D3 where you can buy your items off a vendor after farming Torment X for the hundreth time even though you are doing GR 90+, where the only item-type that matters are uniques.

As far as disconnects and dying servers go this expansion has by far been the worst ever, I agree. But when the developer constantly apologizes for these issues that they actually have very little influence on because its the server-host having problems, and when they release multiple manifestos regarding server issues so people know what is going on and what the developers are doing to resolve the issue, I gladly spend another 10 bucks on the game. Because I know that they are aware of performance issues and are trying to work them out so I can enjoy the game after close to five years. Meanwhile back in beautiful D3 where the items are coloured and the servers are stable, where the game costs money and the developers care, I do GR 110 and pull two rooms together only to have the worst lags in the history of multiplayer gaming. One would imagine that a company like Blizzard would be able to fix such a major issue, but then again it's only been 5 seasons so far.


Nov 5, 2007
Meanwhile in PoE you open a rare strongbox and your client freezes for 5 seconds while you die. You can probably go on youtube and find compilations of shit like that.

But the devs are aware of it so it's fine. And they do it for free.


Mar 16, 2008
Imo, Frostbreath is not really viable as an endgame weapon since both its base aps and dps blow

not discounting the possibility it might in someway be used end-game (by others) that is not really my intent here, it is for the levels between 50 - 58 and then to tinker with properties to see how it might be used. Soul Taker is a different range and at higher levels I'm either using a shield or staff with a Templar. I think there is probably a method to extricate and utilise the chilled damage property somewhat apart from the weapon itself but I'm not quite sure how, and without finally looking at mechanics (which I really should by now, as a rule I try to avoid too much numbering in games) I'm not too sure. At a guess additional multipliers then being doubled could effectively work (which reminds me I don't need the gems in the unique !), and something along the lines of Heavy Strike, the gems (assuming they will work together) which produce a chance of double Heavy Strike damage, melee splash, concentrated effect and then the effect of the unique. But the problem with this method is that is primarily working on the base damage of the weapon and this is where I think any method that really makes the use of this unique should try to externalise the overall effect - and without deliberation I'm not too sure how to go about that.

yet the more I think about it however it seems as though it would be necessary to have the chilled (Frozen ?) effect in advance, two or more attacks would make the effect redundant with many other readily available tradeable items having better overall dps. I gather the method is to somehow separate damage from weapon functions and so on

T. Reich

Apr 15, 2013
not even close
Imo, Frostbreath is not really viable as an endgame weapon since both its base aps and dps blow

not discounting the possibility it might in someway be used end-game (by others) that is not really my intent here, it is for the levels between 50 - 58 and then to tinker with properties to see how it might be used. Soul Taker is a different range and at higher levels I'm either using a shield or staff with a Templar. I think there is probably a method to extricate and utilise the chilled damage property somewhat apart from the weapon itself but I'm not quite sure how, and without finally looking at mechanics (which I really should by now, as a rule I try to avoid too much numbering in games) I'm not too sure. At a guess additional multipliers then being doubled could effectively work (which reminds me I don't need the gems in the unique !), and something along the lines of Heavy Strike, the gems (assuming they will work together) which produce a chance of double Heavy Strike damage, melee splash, concentrated effect and then the effect of the unique. But the problem with this method is that is primarily working on the base damage of the weapon and this is where I think any method that really makes the use of this unique should try to externalise the overall effect - and without deliberation I'm not too sure how to go about that.

yet the more I think about it however it seems as though it would be necessary to have the chilled (Frozen ?) effect in advance, two or more attacks would make the effect redundant with many other readily available tradeable items having better overall dps. I gather the method is to somehow separate damage from weapon functions and so on

Except you really can't, since it specifially refers to doubling the damage "with this weapon", making the mod exclusively local and non-transferrable, which is why the weapon is damn useless.


Mar 16, 2008
I understand it transfers through the weapon, but I am interested in ways of how damage operates, at least partly, independent of the base properties of the weapon itself, which is possible, but the question is whether it becomes feasible to do so


Nov 9, 2015
Whenever i look at this topic in main page i read the title like this:"Pillars of Eternity is MAJESTIC incline" :prosper:.


Jun 16, 2010
A Beautifully Desolate Campaign
Funny how I haven't died to strongbox lag once ever since they were introduced years ago, and my PC was pretty damn bad spec-wise up until half a year ago.

T. Reich

Apr 15, 2013
not even close
Do all of us a favor and go fuck yourself.
What's the matter? Getting triggered by facts? Maybe you should try reddit.

The one that triggered is you, you keep posting those tired "poe sucks" memes as if they're some sort of revelation to any of us.
The rest of us simply play the game.

Which brings up a question - if you're so sick of this game, do you still play it? If no - what are you doin in this thread? If yes - you're a hypocrite.
Either way, that marks you as a retard, all that's lacking is an appropriate tag.

T. Reich

Apr 15, 2013
not even close
Nice! Now you're only 26 behind me.:M
Which two do you have left? And do you plan on getting them or just decided "meh, not worth the work" ?

Labyrinth enchantments and id 4x "treasures". I'm totally not gonna do them.
The lab enchantments one is THE epitome of grind - you have to do a run through a 6-8 zone area and fight a strong boss dude for next to no loot, no exp, and a chance to try and get a required type of enchant, of which there are a few hundred varieties. With people not getting this challenge done after a couple of hundred runs, one gotta ask a question: "Do I want to be one of those guys? Is it even worth it?" No and no. Let's just say that Zana lvl8 challenge that so many shit on as "grindy" is easily doable and not grindy at all. All it requires of you is to play a t7-9 (at lvl7) map and to complete a usually trivial mission. Considering most people's "endgame" IS running t7-9 maps, doing Zana is basically just playing the game. And lvl8 now actually has kickass awards in form of very cheap t11 maps (5 alch cost vs at least 3-4c price on poe.trade) and t9-11 map missions.
The id 4x treasures thing is basically a "waste 3-4 exalts for nothing" type of challenge. NTY.

I've got the 7/8 totem as well, so whatever.

I remember the time when they were hard to get, and there were a total of 5-8

Yeah. Well, I do like that they made more of them to complete, because it's now easier to track your progress - it's pretty motivating.
Regarding difficulty, I'm a bit ambivalent towards the shift to easier challenges overall. On one hand, it used to feel damn satisfying to even get 5 challenges done, but it was really frustrating at times. During the past 2 leagues, it's been definitely easier without it being too easy still, but it surely diminishes that feeling of pride somewhat.


Cuckmaster General
May 25, 2012
Some of those challenges are fun to do and rewarding while others are just plain stupid. I just wish there would be more harder ones. Like kill some boss without dying, do haku mission without taking x amount damage and etc, instead of full clears and finding uniques.


Sep 1, 2007
yup the full clear challenges can foad, especially the act 2 ones...

But then again the mtx aren't that nice anyway - already got black hole portal effect(first mtx i bought so I could have a unique portal), and the weapon enchant looks pretty much like the one I got in the act IV open beta, and bought one of the latest mystery boxes and got footprints ever so slightly cooler than the cheevo ones.

btw Got my first 6-link ever :D - ran 6 residence map with 20% qual, onslaught and some packsize - each dropped a dapper prodigy, so seems pretty worth it considering each dapper sells for around 18 chaos, and I spent ~ 8 chaos pr. map(bought each map for 4 chisels, 4 more for qual, 2 for onslaught and 1-3 rerolls for packsize) - btw Gladiator vs. dominus is just faceroll, usually his first phase is hell for melee, but with 78% spellblock most of your damage will come from your ammy :P - should get my hands on a temu...

T. Reich

Apr 15, 2013
not even close
I did the act 2 full clears by casually lurking global 820 during week 2 of the league when a lot of kind people did the clearing for me:positive:.

I personally only full-cleared maybe 3 or 4 of those 20-30 locations required for the challenge.

I gotta say that a lot of the harder/more tedious challengges can be easily done by: lurking the global 820 or its league-specific analog during the first 3 weeks of the league when the player activity is at its peak, picking a proper build to play with to be able to tackle the high end content related to the challenges, and proper preparation (know the vendor recipes for challenges and get the ingridients as soon as reasonably possible, buy the "collect/id" stuff ASAP while its cheap, etc).

I'm a very slow and inefficient player, and I don't even play much (I mean active play here, I do idle a lot), yet for the last few leagues I've never had any real problems with tackling endgame content, getting enough currency to fund my endeavors, or getting challenges done. PoE is still very much a smart person's ARPG.

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