I'm still playan skeletons + zombies as my league starter.
Same here, it's going to be much more bonkers with new flesh (its flesh for me...) golem.
Dunno about feeding frenzy and meat shield supports though but going to use them anyway, will be different from previous at least.
Also max block, herald of purity and even thinking if I should use dominating blow just for the lulz (and fucking up my PC

I'm 100% slapping FF on both my skeletors and zomzoms.
need that aggressive behavior, so they'll get some real gud offensive benefit from the support.
Skellingtons are less so dependent on it, but I want to see the "skeletons use the dash ability if supported by FF" thing. I mean, I'm still stacking A TON of minion movement speed, but this may potentially mean even more reliable offscreening with skeletons. Barring that, I'll just switch to minion speed gem.
I'll use meat shield, too. I will have my animated guardian + golem + spectres linked together in boots. Being utility minions, I want them tankier, so meat shield is perfect for that.
In the end it seems that I'll have:
12-13 skeletons (+vaal) (300k++ dps per skeleton)
11-12 zombies (100k+ dps per zombie)
4 lvl84 spectres (2 carnage chieftans for frenzy charge generation + 2 bubble bros for their magic bubbles)
plus a golem and a guardian
P.S.: Are you going guardian, I take? Are you going to use Smite to buff the minionos?