If they would have some fucking common sense that scene should have run at hundreds of fps on a 10 yr old PC. It sure looks the part. Game runs like crap even on good machines and instead of imposing some fucking limits to the art/sfx teams they go full retard ahead every league?
They bragged some patches ago how their optimizations allow them to show thousands of particles on screen. How about realizing there's no point in doing that and have some realistic targets.
And yes, people like you are a real issue because GGG is a business so they prioritize resources. While they have monopoly basically on the market, people won't really stop playing the game in protest. So stupid knighting like yours pollutes the only sources of info they have on serious issues.
They actually do impose limits on their sfx artists, but I guess you missed that talk because of your weekly Redditors Anonymous group complain session. Yes, the game doesn't have the performance of CSGO, LoL or even Diablo 3. I never disputed that. But it is getting better. It wouldn't run on shitty ass consoles otherwise.
There are many other ARPGs now, which you can play, which do not suffer from the same performance issues that PoE has. Why don't YOU show us who is boss and play those instead. I will be the last person to keep you from that. Except most people still prefer to play PoE. Maybe, just maybe, GGG didn't prioritize performance and instead prioritized something that is more important. Gameplay.
The most frustrating thing is they know the pitfalls of their own engine, and yet they keep adding mechanics that they struggle to handle.
Blight was a perfect example, they knew the league was going to cause server load issues and, according to their manifesto, pushed ahead anyway.
If your engine and infrastructure isn't capable of doing something with acceptable performance or latency, maybe don't do it?
Yes, let us always play it safe and only do what we 100% know we are capable of and never take any risks. Because promises of stable server performance is what gets people excited to play a new league, right? Blight is now in the game and isn't causing any server issues. If you were the head of GGG, we would all be playing Grim Dawn.
"Optimized". Got new pc 2 years ago. Everything at max. Few leagues later - lower your settings or be oneshoted before map even loads.
Sounds like a classic case of downloading too much gay porn.