Wow, bard thundercaller turns out to be super powerful. They trade inspire competence (eh) for a 10-foot sound blast that STUNS enemies. With lingering performance, you can inspire courage and then spend two rounds blasting and stunning everyone. That's on top of the usual arcane spellcasting. It just werks.
The tooltip lies, however: it's not a fortitude but reflex save to avoid the stun. Still, a lot of chances to deny enemies a lot of things: dex AC, flat 2 AC, THE ABILITY TO TAKE ACTION (!), and some CMD. Wew! I haven't gotten to the point of getting storm call, but if it works with inspire courage, it's just a cherry on top of a very strong class!
Wait, using the Thunder Call ability while Inspire Courage is Lingering is supposed to stop the Lingering effect, are you saying it doesn't?
A thundercaller gains the following types of bardic performance.
Thunder Call (Su): At 3rd level, the thundercaller can use her performance to unleash a deafening peal of thunder. This allows the thundercaller to spend a round of performance to create an effect similar to the spell sound burst (having the same range and area and allowing the same saving throw). At 7th level, the sonic damage that is dealt by this blast of sound increases to 3d8. This damage further increases to 5d8 at 11th level, 7d8 at 15th level, and 9d8 at 19th level.
This performance replaces inspire competence.
Lingering Performance:
If you begin a new bardic performance during this time, the effects of the previous performance immediately cease.
Also if it is provoking a Reflex save this is a bug and it will be changed to Fortitude. It
will be changed, right Owlcat??
Anyway, this is kind of hilarious considering that Thundercaller is already an incredibly powerful archetype, it definitely didn't need any extra help like this.