edit: where is the true waifu? the undead chick? :S
Guess what time it is, Codex!! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/owlcatgames/pathfinder-kingmaker/posts/2285648
It's up to you to help one of them find their new love (you!) or rekindle their old flame - and even become a part of it.
Is this making you just afraid or Iconically afraid?Makes me afraid for the writing of this.
I do like Rus games,most of them are pretty original but sadly lack the polish because the devs lack money.It will be glorious. Never played russian game with romances before.
I haven't followed this for sometime but what happened to the codex quest? Infinitron
So, what happened of Codex quest in the game? Any details?
What do you expect to know? Our quest is in the Kingmaker adventure path's fifth chapter, located in and around the city of Pitax. I don't think that's part of the beta.
The goblin looks attractive...Excellent romance choices here. An allegedly-beautiful woman with a dyke cut, a virgin twink, an ORC'd elf, and a bisexual Orc chad. Very progressive.
She's iconic and julibost or whatever too.I will woo the fuck outta that barbarian girl my dudes watch me
a dyke cut
There are great short hair styles for women, but that's not one of them.Keeping your hair short as a proper lady warrior so that a monk won't fling you around with it is a dyke invention obviously.
a dyke cut
Now, now, there's no need to be invoking the wrath of god upon your shoulders......
If it's anything like their books, prepare for sad endings.It will be glorious. Never played russian game with romances before.