Ember knows what's up. Pretty much always applicable. Nine year old my foot.
Nice starter weapon for HapSaints on way to cave
See last line for why I'm not always a Grease fan. This fight is just a total free for all slugfest.
Lann turned this fight into his own personal shooting gallery, with help from the boss. That's the first Azata ability. I like it. Bypass is good vs Demons, but here it's just damage since Gargs aren't Demons. Only need Magic to bypass their DR (Seelah's Smilo doesn't have that yet and found out this Mythic ability doesn't give it too him either although it works vs Demons).
Ember's Fortune Hex lets him reroll all his attax for a round and take the better one. Next level it will last two rounds. Eventually with Cackle will last indefinitely.
Of course Lann has that ability himself. And yes the two stack (you'll see that vs Swarm Queen). Best Defense is a good offense part one. Notice that the boss is the only Garg with no Spell Resistance.
And two. Biggest threat in this fight is Garg casters lighting you up so take them down first.
Or let Nenio Fascinate them. Rainbow Pattern is enemy only Sweetness. Sacrificing some Footmen to pick up Magician's Ring (+2 Illusion DC) paying off.
Notice Alchemist MC getting himself in trouble trying to target backlines. Bomber's Eye first level spell is good way to prevent this since it gives you extra range.
Not the most D in the world but enough with the debuffs. I remembered this fight being tough but next time will need to kick up to Hard from Core.
Back at camp blowing the money we were saving up for Salamander making sure Reg doesn't flat out suck. Demon DR is a big issue for Hellnights since their damage is Lawful but Demon's have DR/Good not DR/Lawful. They added a Mythic that let's you get around it but who want to blow a Mythic when you can have this nice weapon?