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- Jul 22, 2019
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Build advice?
Not interested in min-maxing but also don't want to be worthless by midgame.
Ley Line Guardian because I like spontaneous casters and the ability to boost spell DC might be nice. Dex isn't that high because I'm not planning on using ranged touch attacks much, so it's mostly for AC. Charisma is higher than it needs to be because he's also kind of a skill monkey and I need it for persuasion. Necromancy focus because it's one of the ways of killing things I want to focus on. Winter patron for winter witch so that ice evocation is the other way I kill things. Summon spell because that will probably be my third way of killing things and I might spend a mythic feat on buffing them. Atheism because. Chaotic neutral because UwU.
Mostly curious about the hexes. Which is best? Took iceplant because AC. Heard that enemies become immune to mind affecting later so is slumber worth it? What should be my bread and butter? Which of the grand hexes are worth it and which are a trap? I noticed one that's supposed to kill you but only after three (or two?) skill checks and then there was another one that turns the enemy into an animal only after one but I don't know if it's permanent.
Why you need AC you’re a caster? Freedom of Movement cancels downside of your ability. Look at Winter Witch and Evocation or Abjuration.
Since you’re about boosting Caster level look at things that care about that. You get rerolls with things that give you advantage (like Sosiel’s Bit of Luck) on Dispel, Greater for instance.
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