I am close to the end of the game atm (or at least I believe so, hard to tell with them JRPGs).
It has been a while since retarded jrpg school life managed to make me laugh, but this one pulled it off somehow. I quickly realised that mystary parts of the game are decorations for all the characters you spend time together with. Even the starting ones and most banal ones seem to be written from at least competent to bro to Bro+ tier.
In no particular ratio I can point out
- Dojima, who always seem to walk a line between friend/parent but is still an adult and makes decisions which are understandable
- The Loli whos lawful goodness shines so bright it is almost painful for your eyesight
- the "best" waifu who can't cook for shit, gets drunk from nothing and occasionaly goes into hysterical laughter
- almost everything in the story when Kanji is around (also probably would make SJWs faint)
- the fucking primadonna, whos relationship with you begins from you serving as her shopping slave
Probably the only char that I dislike is Naoto, cause I don't need a special char to explain whole group the whole thing for them; the idea is we, the dumb teenagers think about things, thanks.
Extra point for all dialogue changing depending on stage of the game ie if you begin character arks sooner or later in game.
The murder story is, hmm, it just serves what is above, so it's not really a detective game of any kind, although it does allow you to make some wrong choices in story and character stories methinks.
The stand system is interesting, but because you're underleveled for the most of the game, serves little purpose on 1st playthrough or at least that's how I feel.
Like with many JRPGs, the combat fundamentals and presentation are quite solid, but are completely ruined by "now repeat this 100000000 times" in dungeons, which, story and visual design are nice, but gameplay wise are degenerate trash. Although I did appreciate rotating parts in Gamer dungeon - Wizardry does live on in Japanese hearts

oh and Draw cards is also nice.
The bosses in the beginning felt interesting, but later it felt like they just kinda ignore all the shit, and leveling up Idol girl just removes all the mystery from vulnerability system completely.
Also everything about this game is so... chill. It is really best enjoyed during fall with laid back attitude and tea.