I finally wrote my Steam review for the Phantasie Memorial Set (had to play it first before I could write the review... Took a while because there's no reason to play it if you use AtariST emulation).
Here it is in case ppl want to read it.
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I am a big fan of this series, I still own all the originals I bought for the AtariST in the late eighties.
I long awaited, hoped, that someone, anyone would take these old titles and patch them/re-issue them for more modern systems.
At last this happened... I thought.
The games are really fun, if you can tame the interface. These are more than combat strategy than quest heavy RPG and that is fine.
It's always fun to make your party of six grow and become insanely powerful by the end-game, and stick it up to the bad guy, whomever he might be,
However in all honesty, I just cannot recommend this bundle. NOTHING was fixed, nothing was even given the slightest of facelift.
It is still 4 colors, keyboard only control, the sound is the old PC sound of way back. At the very very least I was expecting graphics/sound
uplift from the AtariST/Amiga versions of the game, the best ones for these titles, and a proper release of Phantasie II for DOS with the same
aforementioned improvements. Phantasie II is an Apple II emulation built to work in windows (shake my head). Then came the lot of small
bugs/outdated features still present and unfixed in these originals.
In short -- I do not recommend this game.
While it is good that this brings the titles to light to a newer audience (should they try it), and that importance CANNOT be understated,
I feel this is a missed opportunity as far as the quality of said games. SQUARE ENIX and others have successfully remastered their games,
changing very little except bringing them to par (say Final Fantasy Pixel remaster or The Bard's Tale bundle).
I mean it's good if you want to try the titles for yourself without searching for the AtariST/Amiga version on the emulation scene,
it's very cheap and easy to install and get right into it, but I would wait until and if they are remastered/ported from AtariST in full
colors/sound/modern mouse and keyboard control, all three for windows at the very least.
2.5 out of 10 -- Absolutely no effort put into this Memorial Set and there is simply no reason to play this unless curious to see what
the original on DOS looked like back in 1985, and don't get me started on the Apple II emulation for Phantasie 2.
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Now back to Phantasie III on AtariST, final grind before going after Nikademus.