PP is good enough, it is only a disappointment if you expected it to be better than OG X-com.. but that is your own fault for not tempering your expectations.
Heh but they actually just delivered what I expected, a half finished game that is pretty much a Beta.
As you can tell I am mostly inactive in this thread, cause I knew that it makes no sense to post news in here if they are not going to make it in the game. And just that happened. Also I lost interest in the game ( I probably have access to the press build but I haven't bother to install Epic to check it out).
Does the game still has potential? Sure. But it has potential since the beginning and I think that a year is not enough to bring it to it's full potential (if you go by the changes between the Backer Builds). Also I believe that with their choice of combining XCOM with X-COM they alienated both crowds to much.
Time will tell, they probably release an extended version/directors cut but by than probably no one cares because of the bad first impression.
Remember they delayed the game twice, got all the epic and Microsoft money and still weren't able to finish it.