Played it a bit more,really does feel half-baked. The whole faction mechanic is based less on choices and more on who spawns closest to the mist and gives you free points from terror missions.
Update: Oh yeah, and if it turns out the faction progress missions spawns on the other side of the planet? gg fgt.
Also the out of battle UI is pretty shit;
There's now move up or move down button in the manufacturing and research, just a "move to top" button. Also filtering stuff you want to manufacture by class requres you to click on every class you don't want.
Alien Containment is hidden in the personnel tab.
There doesn't seem to be a "list of havens" button so if you want a new recruit you have to search the globe manually to find the class you want.
Have to manually strip each soldier in reserve if you don't want to (or can't because you're using gear you don't have the tech for or simply want to spare resources) manufacture extra sets of gear.
Once you have multiple ships you have to mash the pause button so you can have both doing something at the same time.
Can't trade in bulk, have to click each time you want to trade 12 foor for 2 techs. Oh wait that other haven was selling it for 10 food, if only you had a fucking haven list.
I ran into one nasty bug when after I hired a new Assault my existing Sniper got all his gear replaced with Assault class gear lol. I had to build the whole set of sniper gear again.
Had the same bug but the gear that got replaced was the something I was unable to replace so I had to save scum until the glitch didn't happen anymore.