I have a feeling this will be a failure
I wanted to stay away from this, to not get hyped but a couple of weeks ago I read all the updates, stories and damn got I sucked in and hyped. Than I joined the official discord channel, mostly lurking there in the shadows. That was a downer.
Basically people saying stuff like that the early concept of New Jerchio was one of the reasons why they backed it (post apocalyptic style) and they dislike the new style. While I do not care much for that, the answer from the "community manager" puzzled me "Nothing is final all may change". Pretty much when ever someone criticized something that was his answer. Honestly I would be angry if I backed something and than stuff I liked get changed and I got an answer that sounds like "I don't give a shit". Another thing that was a downer to me, is that all the Virus-like (1999 movie) concept stuff, tech monster, is "complete bollocks" (quote from community manager). Puzzles me again, as in the fig campaign they linked
Like I said before, what I am worried most about is the budget, and the community manager knows about that as well, for example there will be very likely no cut-scenes, no money for it (was a downer for me, as I took it as granted that there will be a story and cut-scenes). I think this will be one of the points why it will commercially flop, nuXCOM had one thing for it going and that was all the cut-scenes (story is shit, but I really liked the "presentation"). So oXCOM-fans (which I count myself in) will pretty much dislike it because no TU and to much nuXCOM in it, and nuXCOM fans will say its a cheap XCOM rip-off, which with the budget it very likely will be.
I am also puzzled that they are redoing things like the crapman, I really like the result, don't get me wrong, but with a though budget I think its a waste of money, same with the redesign of New Jerchio, all of that costs money, that will not be there anymore for other stuff (more important stuff than graphics).
They do not know so far if there will be multiple-choice dialog with the other factions, also they do not know by now how to transport the story. That are some points that worry me personal. I think by now they should have a basic concept of things.
I think it could be an amazing game, but I do not believe that they are able to do it with the budget they got. I am mostly worried that they put to much money into graphics to attract a larger audience but fail to do so, as it will be lacking a lot of stuff that this broader audience wants as well (full voice-overs, cinematic stuff, cut scenes, AAA-stuff).
Oh and btw the community manager is not just a community manager, he explained that very well to some fool who called him that, not only does he do web-page stuff, he also has a saying in game design!
We live in the age of decline, we all should know by now. And still there is a tiny part in me that wants to belief