They were already tagged for mainstream GOTY just for the SJW filth dripping from the game's writing.
You mean "Sawyer has no time to learn of this because he is busy writing Pallegina, writing quest lines, and designing ship combat, among other things"*Sawyer shrugs, Patel rubberstamps, the Deadfire tumblr discord squees*
The education system in America has been shit for a long time. This is more the result of a degenerating culture. When your writers are all genderqueer otherkin who graduated from the Tumblr School of Fan Fiction, instead of sweaty grognards who grew up playing AD&D, this is the kind of storytelling you're stuck with.You just want to slap the shit out of these writers and tell them to clean their room and do their homework. This is the result of a too lackluster education system in 'Murica, these kids need to read some (non-fiction) books.
Now that you mention SJW filth, Tekehu has only ever talked about sex with the other companions since I got him. This is not normal human interaction, it's a dummy's understanding of a (bi)sexual person.
Tekehu is the reason you can hire druid mercenaries.
I don't know that any of these terms apply to any of the writers on Deadfire, with the exception of Alex Scokel who's probably the best writer they have.The education system in America has been shit for a long time. This is more the result of a degenerating culture. When your writers are all genderqueer otherkin who graduated from the Tumblr School of Fan Fiction, instead of sweaty grognards who grew up playing AD&D, this is the kind of storytelling you're stuck with.
You just want to slap the shit out of these writers and tell them to clean their room and do their homework. This is the result of a too lackluster education system in 'Murica, these kids need to read some (non-fiction) books.
I want to reiterate this. Alex Scokel is the best they have right now, and I don't think he is bad on his own either.I don't know that any of these terms apply to any of the writers on Deadfire, with the exception of Alex Scokel who's probably the best writer they have.
Maybe with respect to their life experience.Kids?
Lol, 3rd level druid spell Returning Storm has better damage and duration than the 5th level druid spell Relentless Storm:
Just started playing again and after about 50 tries I finally defeated Duragaon or something and I can safely say these megabosses are bullshit. Who in their right minds find these bloated pile of dung fun to play agaisnt?
If you mean 'WoW bosses', then I see nothing wrong here.MMO bosses
No. This is what the text description says, but the description above the text, which is generated from the spell properties, says "Area of Effect: Foe Target + 7.6m Radius from Caster" for both spells.Lol, 3rd level druid spell Returning Storm has better damage and duration than the 5th level druid spell Relentless Storm:
Read it again, the lvl 3 one strikes one enemy, the lvl 5 one strikes all enemies.
Both are great.
No. This is what the text description says, but the description above the text, which is generated from the spell properties, says "Area of Effect: Foe Target + 7.6m Radius from Caster" for both spells.Lol, 3rd level druid spell Returning Storm has better damage and duration than the 5th level druid spell Relentless Storm:
Read it again, the lvl 3 one strikes one enemy, the lvl 5 one strikes all enemies.
Both are great.
I have used Returning storm, and indeed it works inside the radius, not exclusively on the target.
No. This is what the text description says, but the description above the text, which is generated from the spell properties, says "Area of Effect: Foe Target + 7.6m Radius from Caster" for both spells.Lol, 3rd level druid spell Returning Storm has better damage and duration than the 5th level druid spell Relentless Storm:
Read it again, the lvl 3 one strikes one enemy, the lvl 5 one strikes all enemies.
Both are great.
I have used Returning storm, and indeed it works inside the radius, not exclusively on the target.