Don't you think its silly to assume a vengeful bitchgoddess of cuntism would only hand out challenges that people are meant to succeed in? Magran is a whore, who uses, abuses and discards her faithful. A deity of fire and passion. She's about glory. Wether you survive the trial is irrelevant. Its about wether you stand up to it at all.I agree with Lacrymas, that quest was off. The mental gymnastics in this comment chain is testimony to that.
The vision of the Godhammer Bomb was a reminder of that. Fyrga could have have hired an adventuring party and gone there herself. Or she could gone with you. Dead or alive, they'd have their chance to shine, and probably die, just as the Dozens did.
Defiance Bay is Magran's chosen nation and the city's main priest is losing her faith. Then, according to some PCs, she was meant to prove it. Going by that specific interpretation, the old priestess' shame is that she was no better than any other quest giver.
Besides, she's a Priest. She could have solo'd an albino dragon.