If you truly want to go for absolute optimal char-builds, I humbly recommend:
- Main Character: Moon Godlike (their Silver Tide ability, which scales with Might, is inarguably 'OP'); a Moon Godlike Rogue, specializing Sword and Shield Style (in order to skyrocket Deflection) and the 'Riposte' talent. Coupled with 'Retaliation' gear which you will find later, the Moon Godlike's Silver Tide, a very high Might attribute score and eventually that one shield which casts Thrust of Tattered Veils randomly; additionally coupled with the Rogue's ability to swiftly move in and out of enemy engagement ranges via Escape and (probably, though boring) using a Sabre as their Main-hand weapon... this makes for a very good character.
Do make sure to dump this MC Rogue's Intellect attribute down to the lowest possible, which I believe is '3', and to boost their Might and their Resolve and (in tertiary fashion) their Constitution.
As for the rest I was going to simply recommend that you utilize the IE Mod's ability to customize story-companion Attributes and to make Eder a dual-wielding, 'Wanderer' Estoc-user in Full Plate, and that you further utilize the IE Mod's ability to customize story-companion Attributes to dump Intellect on every character that isn't a Chanter (Kana) or a Wizard/Druid.
As you yourself pointed out in the PoE 2 Backer Beta: Intellect is the premiere dump-stat simply because neither the duration malus nor the 'range' malus is enough to make much of an impact on any PoE playthrough.
A '3 Intellect' Fighter, Rogue, Ranger, Barbarian, Monk or even Paladin (keeping in mind the existence of Rings of Overseeing) benefit more from taking points off Intellect and using those points to instead boost Might, Resolve and Constitution.
I consider Might, Resolve and Constitution the 3 most important Attributes for
any character or class in PoE 1 with the obvious exceptions of Wizard/Druid classes.
Since you're going with customized henchmen, however:
- 6 Moon Godlikes for maximum cheese?