This exactly.Meh, you are so overpowered by then, I don't really see how you can not have a working tactic memorized by then.
xDDDDDabusing PoE-mechanics
chars with arcana.
That makes more sense. But then don't pretend fight is hard if you're doing it handicapped.I don't use scrolls, I find them to be a bit too cheesey
Dumping Resolve for most classes.There isn't much difference, there is even respec option.
And I am not even sure how u minmax or not minmax your main. Stats don't affect game as much as in other RPGs.
I've been looking for a word to describe it, and it's not "easy". "Made difficult in a dumb way" is the more accurate description of the combat.Top 1%: of players: Everything is easy. The kind of people that made Sawyer tune right-thinking people out.
Top 1%: of players: Everything is easy.
Stats don't matter in PoE
Grunker said:They matter more than in, say, the games you're often referencing, here's a few examples
Shadenuat said:you are evil person
I've been looking for a word to describe it, and it's not "easy". "Made difficult in a dumb way" is the more accurate description of the combat.Top 1%: of players: Everything is easy. The kind of people that made Sawyer tune right-thinking people out.
Stats don't matter in PoEStats don't affect game as much as in other RPGs.
Grunker said:They matter more than in, say,the games you're often referencinggames you didn't mention which were made 20+ years ago meaning PoE design is brilliant
There are many kinds of ad&d cultist bullshit but the claim that poe stats don't matter is certainly in the top 5. How you can say something like what shadenuat is saying with a straight face while 3/6 stats literally don't have any sort of impact whether they're 3 or whether they're 18 in for instance bg or some of the goldbox games is just nutso. delusional
Top 1%: of players: Everything is easy.
It's less that and more the obvious lack of a relative scale, making it smell like bullshit. I can't recall many RPGs off the top of my head that are harder than PoE1 on potd (unfortunately, #2 takes a massive difficulty dive excepting the megabosses and the beginning of the game), and I've played most of them.
So if all RPGs are just trivial to these people, a) I mean congrats I guess you're the kingpin of an obscure video game genre but the point is b) what's the relevance when discussing whether a particular game is "easy" or "hard"? If all games are easy it's a meaningless term describing nothing, and what RPGs are hard relative to potd poe? I think not many
First off, the relevant comparison for PoE is 3.5e or pathfinder and secondly, unlike in PoE, a stat increase of the relevant stats in 2e actually has a measurable effect unlike in PoE. Getting a belt of hill giant strength is fun because something actually happens when you equip it.
allow me to help you with correct use of quote option
Stats don't matter in PoEStats don't affect game as much as in other RPGs.
Grunker said:They matter more than in, say,the games you're often referencinggames you didn't mention which were made 20+ years ago meaning PoE design is brilliant
Stats don't matter in PoE
Shadenuat said:no no I just said they matter less than in other games
There are many kinds of ad&d cultist bullshit but the claim that poe stats don't matter is certainly in the top 5. How you can say something like what shadenuat is saying with a straight face while 3/6 stats literally don't have any sort of impact whether they're 3 or whether they're 18 in for instance bg or some of the goldbox games is just nutso. delusional
Top 1%: of players: Everything is easy.
It's less that and more the obvious lack of a relative scale, making it smell like bullshit. I can't recall many RPGs off the top of my head that are harder than PoE1 on potd (unfortunately, #2 takes a massive difficulty dive excepting the megabosses and the beginning of the game), and I've played most of them.
So if all RPGs are just trivial to these people, a) I mean congrats I guess you're the kingpin of an obscure video game genre but the point is b) what's the relevance when discussing whether a particular game is "easy" or "hard"? If all games are easy it's a meaningless term describing nothing, and what RPGs are hard relative to potd poe? I think not many
First off, the relevant comparison for PoE is 3.5e or pathfinder.
The issue with the difficulty in PoE is both that it is facerollingly easy.