Early modern period fantasy RPG is definitely rare, the biggest and most common fantasy and fantasy inspirations are medieval. Only Warhammer Fantasy is early modern period and it doesn't have any RPGs. The whole world exploration and colonisation aspect of early modern period is mindblowingly untouched.
And later this year we’re going to get Greedfall, too, using the same kind of early modern colonization inspired setting. When it rains, it pours. It’s too bad Sawyer probably won’t get to make his turn-based renaissance/early modern RPG. I would love an espionage RPG set in the 16th century Mediterranean (maybe a Venetian desperately trying to play the Spanish crown and the Sublime Porte against each other). or an AoD style game in 18th century India—play as a merchant for the EIC or a spy or a diplomat an assassin or even a soldier.
I kind of wish Expeditions Conquistador had had more RPG elements, like Viking.
TorontRayne, Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones comes out next year. Very Lovecraftian. You should play the demo if you haven’t already.