Those Critical Role guys seem extremely expensive.
On the contrary, I wouldn't be surprised if they worked for peanuts, seeing how enthusiastic they were about this game and the first one.
What was the total budget for PoE1 anyway? 4 mil from Kickstarter, how much did Obs give out of their own pocket?
Didn't they say that they had to put 1 million into the game from their own pockets?
They are actors, no? Enthusiasm is part of the contract I'd say.
So if PoE1 is $5 mil, Deadfire is at the very least also 5 mil, likely on the tune of 7-8 mil, they sold 100k copies for 50$, Steam + Uncle Sam take 40%, Feargus pockets 10% etc. - looks like several millions lost, they for sure haven't broken even yet. I doubt the excluded Fig shenanigans would be favourable.
Looks like a pretty Dumpsterfire to me.