So, I see they're keeping up the good work. Tryhard humor is still in
(I swear, a standard Polish politician joke and a cringeworthy jab at American elections on one page?),
and if it ain't AAA, best they can do is 7/10. 8/10 if it has purdy graffix or is artsy.
I have to ask, Is this Cursian guy someone of note?
Cause he reads like a fucking tool, or like a young edgelord eager to prove he's like all the cool editor guys.
"I usually ignore crafting because it's too much of a bother for my tastes; however it's pretty much impossible to ignore in this game ."
[It is totally impossible to avoid crafting in AoD!]
"Five years a ago, I would make a burnt offering to the devs, cause the fights are really well done. However, the problem is that turn based games are pretty abundant these days,
so it's very easy to find an equally involving game that also brings an interesting story to the table, which is missing from this title."
[Ok whippersnapper, name five.]
The review can be summed up as - baaaah, all this fighting, so vulgar, so tiresome, such a bother. B-but muh story? I cannot RPG if it doesn't story.
The guy clearly cannot appreciate demanding turn based combat. I wonder what's the logic of him reviewing such a game?
[and to answer my own question, they probably drew straws and given him a memo that Icewind Dale used to be a thing]
They should get their resident strategy guy do it, might have been a better read.