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Incline POST-ATOMIC Resumed

Cleveland Mark Blakemore

Golden Era Games
Übermensch Developer
Apr 22, 2008
Things proceeding fast. Currently blurring out background in a combat just as Elminage Gothic does.

Organising some interactive screens for certain parts of adventure like LANDS OF LORE. You enter a cutscene where you can manipulate things, engage in dialogues, solve puzzles, etc. before going back to blobber mode. This can add a lot of fun to an RPG.

Really enjoying working on it now that it is not so demanding sourcing the artwork.


Aug 1, 2017
Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Finishing up the Status tab that shows damage to various body parts, critical conditions that require first aid, anything broken or fractured (a broken hand means you can't wield a weapon, a broken head means you have a concussion and can't aim a weapon, etc.).

I have not had such fun working on a game since my Commodore 64 years. Blasting through the game with the help of the Unity IDE like a boss, if I had these kinds of tools available for Grimoire I'd have been done in 3 months like originally planned.

View attachment 13901

The health circles remind me of Endland, an obscure German pen&paper RPG. It also had a post apocalyptic setting and amazing art. Sadly it seems that it was never released in English or at least i can't find shit on google.
All I could find is an interview in German:

Here some examples of the art



Sadly no example of the character sheet I was thinking about.

Oh I found an online pdf:

But it seems the piecharts were only used for the stats, not as regional damage indicators as I thought. Maybe it was different in version one or I'm just misremembering.
Still flipping through the pages might provide some inspiration for Cleve

Cleveland Mark Blakemore

Golden Era Games
Übermensch Developer
Apr 22, 2008
I have been seeking a way to isolate the logic from the data and pack the two together to insert into an engine for the most generic and flexible RPG creator possible ... even accommodating different presentation formats, i.e. Darkest Dungeon VS Wizardry. If I really designed the containers correctly I could just extract the display logic and keep the data that describes the RPG system (in FUDGE) totally separate.

I found a really useful tool. It has a steep learning curve but once you understand it you can genuinely pull the game into four layers of discrete functionality and completely break off the RPG system design from the presentation format. I link to it here in case any other designers are seeking a similar goal in a C# environment.

Once you understand the paradigm you can begin to eliminate all those hardcoded enums that make up an RPG and begin to replace them with containerized data sets. It is way more powerful than it sounds in practice. If you add the run-time EVAL functionality you'll really be stuck into some flexible RPG design all done in data instead of hardcoded.



Aug 14, 2020
Good luck, but there are RPGs with resolution mechanics based on pulling block from jenga tower. Good luck not hardcoding that.

Cleveland Mark Blakemore

Golden Era Games
Übermensch Developer
Apr 22, 2008
Screens when?

Screens next week.

I only have a few microissues left to iron out. Definitely released in next 3 months.
I knew it would take three decades. Fool me once...

It's been only ten months. Give it time....

My house was demolished after being declared unfit for human habitation. I had to move out quickly, pack thousands upon thousands of books and all my computer hardware. Almost broke the forklift when they came to pick up the storage container. Had a few interruptions from life. Getting back to it now and working on it more than once in a while. I had a pretty good day yesterday in terms of meat'n'potatoes, got a lot of game framework together.

Spent several months digging out functional NBC shelter and outfitting it under house as a temp shelter if needed, all demolished now. Had lots of stuff going on, got distracted, could not organize regular work on the games I had built prototypes for.


Glory to Ukraine
Nov 24, 2017
Free City of Warsaw
I'm kind of sceptical of the 'N' part of this 'functional NBC shelter'. Thing is, to protect yourself from nuclear blast you need to dig in deep. And to be protected from gamma radiation you need a very thick barrier of concrete and lead. We're speaking several meters thick. I doubt you can 'dig out' something like that all by yourself.

And if he actually tried, no wonder his house was declared 'unfit for human habitation'. Propably while digging he damaded the foundations and the whole thing was in risk of collapsing on his head.


Aug 14, 2020
It is perfectly workable depending on location I belive. The capture of gamma photon within material is statistic process, thereby the stronger the source the thincker the protective wall you need. Remeber sourced do decay and as they do the intensity of radionation decreases, so if things go right you should recieve sublethal dose in first few weeks (conservative estimation, might be more like days) while hiding in your shelter and then as the concentration of the worst radionuclides decreased sufficiently your shelter becomes safe for human habitation. But is´t has been years since the last time I worked with anyhting remotely considered a radiation hazard, so I am somewhat rusty, better ask real experts.


Aug 1, 2017
Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I'm kind of sceptical of the 'N' part of this 'functional NBC shelter'. Thing is, to protect yourself from nuclear blast you need to dig in deep. And to be protected from gamma radiation you need a very thick barrier of concrete and lead. We're speaking several meters thick. I doubt you can 'dig out' something like that all by yourself.

And if he actually tried, no wonder his house was declared 'unfit for human habitation'. Propably while digging he damaded the foundations and the whole thing was in risk of collapsing on his head.

Should have explained to them that it wasn't intended for human habitation :obviously:
As if the thal would even notice a few ton of rubble when opening the trap door.


Nov 4, 2015
Looks good so far. I liked that "Secure Protect Contain," thing that was part of Cyclopean Chasms influence. Any chance of coming across inexplicable otherworldly objects? Like chairs secured in abandoned hospitals which turn you insane if you sit on them, unless they're given a blood offering?

Cleveland Mark Blakemore

Golden Era Games
Übermensch Developer
Apr 22, 2008
I'm kind of sceptical of the 'N' part of this 'functional NBC shelter'. Thing is, to protect yourself from nuclear blast you need to dig in deep. And to be protected from gamma radiation you need a very thick barrier of concrete and lead. We're speaking several meters thick. I doubt you can 'dig out' something like that all by yourself.

And if he actually tried, no wonder his house was declared 'unfit for human habitation'. Propably while digging he damaded the foundations and the whole thing was in risk of collapsing on his head.

You sound like a Fedora hat who has read a couple articles in Newsweek over the years and has come to believe he understands what he is talking about.

Several meters? Did the laws of physics change again on me?

After a lifetime of masturbating in between XBox playthroughs you've probably never packed a sandbag in your life.

Depending on it's configuration, you should already have four sides of earth ten meters wide on every side of you. It is the roof and entrance you worry about in expedient shelters.

What I know about this subject would cause your head to explode if I tried to simply download a few terabytes of my collected information into your skull.

One man can dig out a suitable nuclear shelter in soft ground in about 8 hours. With some old tires, some sandbags (which can literally be made from almost anything) and any natural features you can make use of (stone walls/rock hedge/natural elevation) you could build a shelter that would easily withstand well over 100,000 rads of skyshine outdoors for several months.

I started inside the front porch steps and in three days had a spectacular expedient shelter with my geiger counter, ventilation pump and thermal cooker all built from junk I had laying around the house. I bought a couple plastic drums and had a 200 gallon reserve of water sitting beside it which also acted as a neutron barrier in front of my primary entrance. The air intake was four old expired carbon gas mask filters that would have pulled air through the crawlspace after most of the fallout had already grounded. I don't know how I might have fared in there against heavier-than-air chemical weapons but nuclear I would have sailed through.

I'm only good at a few things in life, Potato - and this is one of them. Really, really, really good. It's like being sheriff of a ghost town that finally vanished off the map.

The real sticking point of any expedient shelter is the expedient toilet filling up. There's your deal breaker that might force you to surface to empty it.

The walls were lined with plastic sheeting and plywood, it was very clean inside when I was done with it. All up I think it took me a month but in a rush I could have completed it in a few days.

P.S. Do you know where your snarky attitude about civil defense comes from? Foreigners wanted that money and they first had to teach you to ridicule any notion of protecting yourself from anything ever for any reason. They got that tax revenue that was once slated for you. Sheeple are very easy to train to sneer on command, it just takes some cliches. They went to work on dismantling civil defense right after they shot Kennedy in the head.
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Feb 26, 2021
Face it, there is only one project left for me to complete before this nightmare quarantine hoax ends
We need your views on the cough-o-caust. It's difficult to parse truth from falsehood in todays media, as you know. Will you post them somewhere?

It's the usual flu season except with the New World Order bringing the entire planet to heel almost overnight. Turns out, taking over the planet is really not that hard.
I remember back when it first started and the dems were telling people to go lick assholes in Chinatown to fight bigotry, I bought up over a year's worth of non-perishables before the hordes of NPCs started panic buying, and people mocked me for it.
Now those same people are repeating talking points they hear from the ministry of truth in everyday unrelated conversations. Modern westerners are too weak and cowardly to prevent tyranny from taking over, economic collapse is in front of our faces as the obvious outcome of this response, the Davos group is gloating about their plans out in the open, but people are somehow blind to cause and effect. They hear from the talking heads that we need this response in order to fight this pathetic excuse for a pandemic and that any outcome is better than a few diabetic geriatrics dying.


Aug 14, 2017
Robert Felix has met his maker apparently:

Somewhat rapid decline after taking the J&J kill shot with pre-existing conditions - in his own words:

Just mentioning it Cleve as I seem to recall you praising his theory on magnetic reversal back on the (sadly missing) Vault Co blog.
Seeing a big separation between the terrified brainwashed who'll willingly get injected with seemingly anything and those few who still have some degree of sanity left.
I guess you'll need your bunker up and running ASAP as Iran's PressTV and their other sites have just gone dark.
Plus some more end times lunacy: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-57549653

Shame Post Atomic looked rather grand too - the Wasteland sequel we should've got.
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Feb 22, 2013
My house was demolished after being declared unfit for human habitation. I had to move out quickly, pack thousands upon thousands of books and all my computer hardware. Almost broke the forklift when they came to pick up the storage container. Had a few interruptions from life. Getting back to it now and working on it more than once in a while. I had a pretty good day yesterday in terms of meat'n'potatoes, got a lot of game framework together.

Spent several months digging out functional NBC shelter and outfitting it under house as a temp shelter if needed, all demolished now. Had lots of stuff going on, got distracted, could not organize regular work on the games I had built prototypes for.
Houses are for saps. Real 'thals live in caves.

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