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immersive sim is a meme
""needs"" to try new things like we're under a cornucopia of games of the same vein? Really? How many actual SS2 clones are there out there? You don't mean Bioshock do you?The "Immersive Sim" genre needs to get over SS2 and try new things.
1 health is correct, there should just be no healing over time.RoSoDude, dumb question. How can I quickly confirm, at the beginning of the game, that your Core Balance mod and hardcore modules are correctly installed? I'm still getting 1 health from food, like green tea. Is this correct?
1) Agreed. I rebalanced the hacking timers anyway, but I wouldn't begrudge anyone using the new One-Button Hacking mod, which is compatible with CORE BALANCE (I'll make a note of this in the description the next time I update it).Finished Survival Mode on Nightmare + Core Balance mod + "hardcore" modules. I was also relying on autosaves, like your mod recommends. The first time I played this game was in 2017, so I don't remember every detail and what the mod has changed. But I know that I enjoyed it more this time, mainly for 3 reasons:
1) No hacking. That mini-game is atrocious.
2) In my first playthrough I didn't get any Typhon skills. This time I did (24 human skills and 23 Typhon skills, according to the stats screen).
3) More challenging resource management with half material yield, less ammo, and no operator healing. One thing I do remember from vanilla, is the abundance of ammo. I'd found so much that I had to recycle it frequently to free up inventory space. This time, however, I had to fabricate ammo all the time throughout the game (also medkits and psi hypos). Every missed shot hurts. Every wound eats more medkits and therefore more resources. Still, it could be done with even less material yield. I got a lot of extra Neuromods out of it. With the Necropsy skill, synthetics and minerals will eventually become the bottleneck. Hard to say if it's a skill worth getting. I've also used quite a few Recycler charges on piled up junk, turrets, and operators.
- I tweaked 19 chipsets, added numerical detail for all chipset effects, and rebalanced the suit/scope slots you get from Suit Modification I/II/III and Psychotronics I/II/III respectively from 2/2/2 (diminishing returns) to 1/2/3 (increasing returns, also with rebalanced Neuromod costs). I'm happy to hear chipsets felt more attractive to use; I think a lot of people agreed they felt pretty unimpactful in the base game because of how poorly the effects were communicated and how unsatisfying it was to spec into them.Some comments onand stuff:![]()
- I don't know exactly what you've changed about the chipsets, but I did get suit and scope upgrades to install more of them, so it can't be that bad.
- Psychoshock is way overpowered, even with those hardcore modules. Psi hypos are very cheap to fabricate, and there are even chipsets that boost Psychoshock damage by 20%, and lower psi cost of telepathic abilities. Fighting the big Typhon enemies is thus very easy, unless they are surrounded by smaller enemies, like a Technopath with turrets. Psychoshock then tends to not hit the big fat Technopath I'm actually pointing at, but the turret that's floating next to it. Annoying.
- Psyonic Aptitude (increasing your psi pool) is kind of pointless, when your only* source for psi points is psi hypos, which can be quickly consumed mid battle.
- I was surprised to learn that the Nightmare can be mind-controlled. This doesn't seem right. It's also weird that it can't follow you to other maps. Kind of defeats its purpose.
- NOFREELUNCH turns food into junk. Consuming food items for 1 HP each (or 2 psi) is just a waste. To fabricate one medkit you need 2x organic material, which is mostly found in food.
- Also, if the purpose of the NOFREELUNCH module is to force the player to use limited resources to heal, I wonder if it shouldn't also nerf or remove chipsets and skills that regenerate health and psi "for free". One chipset, that is found early, regenerates 10 HP for a successful stealth attack. Not a stealth kill, just an attack! Later you can find one that regenerates psi while you are in contact with Coral. I was hoarding psi hypos from then on. Similarly, there is also a health regen skill that regenerates 25 HP after you take damage. Get hit for less than 25 HP damage and you have a net gain. Those were the moments when the hardcore modules seemed to loosen the grip.
- Traumas could have been interesting, if I hadn't always had a cure ready in my inventory (found, not fabricated). There has been only one situation in which I had bleeding status and didn't have a cure. But the damage I was taking from sprinting and jumping was directly compensated by the regeneration skill.
- When you are setting traps with Superthermal, you can hold the button to stop time. I was a bit confused. Maybe you should add this to the description, and also change it to 0.5x normal speed, like the radial menu.
- I bet most players will get the suit upgrades not to carry more and bigger weapons, but just to avoid the frequent backtracking to recycle stations. The unfortunate side effect of HALFMAT is that recycling is now even less rewarding. Maybe a better, but unreasonably more time-consuming way to reduce material yield, would be to remove half or more of the junk/food/typhon loot found in the levels.
- Is this a bug? It happened with two fabricators fairly late in the game, and it was permanent.
Spliting up Psychoshock isn't impossible, just out of scope. You'd have to sacrifice some other Neuromod skills and (likely their associated) stim packages to do it because you can't create new stuff, but all of the tags and stims are driven by data in the config files.Psychoshock should probably be split in two, a psi power that just damages stuff and has a less intense cooldown, so you can still use it to instakill random dumbass Mimics like a boss. It's nice to have a power that just kills shit, you know, and without some giant cooldown attached or the risk of blowing yourself up.
Meanwhile the Silence power does no damage and scales with enemy power somehow, so the strongest psionic enemies aren't affected as much. I'm sure it's impossible to implement but that's how I felt about it.
You can get full psi refills from those Psychic Operators, they just have a condition where they won't refill you unless you're at less than 40% or something.
I do agree that all of the HP/psi regenerating stuff should probably be kicked out.
Food being recycle fodder....well, at least it's usefu to eat it if you can't make it to a recycler right that very moment, if you're always just a few feet away from a recycler to sell junk atm then that's more of a level design problem.
-Decrease Mimic Matter I/II/III drain from 2/2/2 psi/s to 1/1/1 psi/s
-Decrease Psionic Aptitude I/II/III Neuromod cost from 2/3/5 to 1/2/3
-Psi cost adjustments to Psychoshock, maybe others
-Make Nightmare immune to Mindjack?
-Look over trauma item loot chances and bleed trauma damage
-wat do about regen BS
That's insane. I was about to suggest reducing duration time... At least the cooldown is long enough (I think), so you can't keep one Typhon nullwaved indefinitely.- Would you believe that I nerfed the hell out of Psychoshock? Neuromod cost for I/II/II from 3/5/5 to 3/5/7, damage from 45/65/90 to 20/40/60, nullwave duration from 20/20/20s to 5/10/20s, and the Nightmare was given 50% resistance to nullwave. I'll look into the psi cost.
Turns out I was wrong.I'm also shocked to hear that Regeneration is not restoring *up to* 10/25 HP like it should. Can you verify this is absolutely the case?
Then maybe you don't have to change anything, and I just got lucky.- Trauma items are RNG loot, so your experience can vary quite a bit. During my test run I had a really bad series of events after I got shot into space from Deep Storage and allowed a Technopath to give me a bleeding trauma. I had to clear out the Phantoms in the Cargo Bay without jumping or sprinting, and because the sequence bugged out and the survivors wouldn't open the door up for me, I also had to find a way to clamber up to the upper catwalk without killing myself. My ideal is for the player to have 1-2 drastic experiences like that where everything goes wrong and they have to improvise. However, traumas should also come into play from time to time in a less critical manner, so I might drop the loot chances a bit and possibly nerf the bleed damage a bit so it's more livable.
- This is true of psi targeting generally -- it turns on SuperHot mode and you only move time forward when you move your character or your aim.
How did you fix the audio issue? It's the only reason I haven't played this game. The audio sliders in the options do nothing to make this bearable.Sort of fixed/minimized the audio and I've been having a good time with the game. I'm using the core balance mod and survival mode. Went in blind too.
How did you fix the audio issue? It's the only reason I haven't played this game. The audio sliders in the options do nothing to make this bearable.Sort of fixed/minimized the audio and I've been having a good time with the game. I'm using the core balance mod and survival mode. Went in blind too.
Thanks. It's a shame that this studio that tries to continue Looking Glass's legacy fucked up one of the most important aspects of the game's atmosphere. I could play some of Thief's levels with my eyes closed and maintain perfect situational awareness.How did you fix the audio issue? It's the only reason I haven't played this game. The audio sliders in the options do nothing to make this bearable.Sort of fixed/minimized the audio and I've been having a good time with the game. I'm using the core balance mod and survival mode. Went in blind too.
I turned my surround speaker volume down and put the voice slider almost all the way to the left. Some voices are really low now, but it's better than having your ears blown out. The audio mixing is fucked up big time.