Chat with the lead designer of the new Prey at 3PM EDT
Prey is back, but it’s nothing like its 2006 predecessor. What was once an id-tech fueled monster marathon has instead become a science fiction-horror immersive simulator that’s far more interested in warping players’ sense of reality than letting them blow through waves of aliens.
What inspired these changes? Why do the designers let players turn into coffee cups? We’ll get answers to these questions and more when we chat with Arkane Studios lead designer Ricardo Bare, who will be joining us at 3PM EDT on the Gamasutra Twitch channel as we take a developer-focused look at
It should be an illuminating conversation, especially for those of you interested in making similar kinds of simulation games, so be sure to join in and ask questions in Twitch chat. And while you’re at it, be sure to
follow the Gamasutra Twitch channel for more developer interviews, editor roundtables and gameplay commentary.