Finished it today. Destroy typhon ending, was a good guy and

Game atmosphere and ambiance were amazing. First time out of the station into space -> unforgettable moment with the music.
Played in Normal difficulty, at first it was tough-ish because I invested mainly in noncombat skills like Hacking, mid game got some nice Typhon powers, late game invested in Security or whatever.
Combat was OK. Enemies were OK. Looked alien enough. I don't care about them much really. If I want brutal, visceral combat I can always play DOOM.
I never expected combat to be the focus of the game (or mine), since I was more interested in finding out what had happened to the people of the station and listening to cool guitar riffs while foating around.
Level design was very good, and it was great to see how the exterior corresponded to the interior. Bonus points for that.
Story was good, not the ending so much but the way that the protagonist appeared as a set of instances each with different mind frames.
All in all a very good game, had some great moments.
I haven't played the older System Shock games.
I have played Bioshock1 and it sucked balls.
I have played Bioshock Infinite and it sucked even more balls.