Recently one of our more... prolific posters had his account compromised, after which the perpetrator apparently went on a mass-deletion spree which has fouled up all the threads this particular user participated in. Needless to say it has caused some consternation and poor
Twiglard now can't get any sleep because he has to sort all this out.
If you haven't already, you need to enable and start using our two-step verification feature (also known as two-factor authentication, or 2FA) which you can find in the security section of your settings page.
You have two choices: you can set it to use an app like Authy which you install on your cell phone and every month have to launch to verify the code, or you can just use an alternate email address to do the same thing. The app is recommended, because it's more of a stringent security system, but many of you are probably either too poor to afford a smart phone or you haven't upgraded from your dad's ancient flip phone yet.
2FA. Learn it. Live it. Love it.
Don't be that guy.
Thank you.
- The Administration