Wormwood Studios
My impression was that Primordia's coder was brought in as a "closer" to get the combat working a couple years ago, and from then on it's just been dealing with VO, this crazy lip syncing, and polish.
And all this time was thoroughly wasted. I'm playing the preview build, courtesy of Infinitron, and the voice acting in this one is a choice. With consequences.and from then on it's just been dealing with VO, this crazy lip syncing
And all this time was thoroughly wasted. I'm playing the preview build, courtesy of Infinitron, and the voice acting in this one is a choice. With consequences.and from then on it's just been dealing with VO, this crazy lip syncing
Very far from it unfortunately. RPG elements are extemely shallow - all you get are 4 stats, and they only matter for combat. No skillcheck-reliant puzzles, but there are some (I encountered two so far) where you have to use non-combat spells, which are determined by your class. Will have to check how it'll work for other classes.And all this time was thoroughly wasted. I'm playing the preview build, courtesy of Infinitron, and the voice acting in this one is a choice. With consequences.and from then on it's just been dealing with VO, this crazy lip syncing
If that's the game's only or main flaw then I'm happy!
Nevermind, definitely a bug. The obvious thing wasn't working, and then out of the blue it did.A lot of puzzles in the beginning also were very easy, felt more like fetch quests. But right now I'm stuck on one, which brings some hope. Hope it's not a bug.
Oh, and the rate at which you acquire spells seems to be tied to plot rather than character development
I missed that.They say as much in the description, right?
I think the KQ crowd might be disappointed by the lack of non-combat a fan of this team's take on King's Quest II, I'm also interested in the game as a pure story-driven adventure.
Only 5? Newfag! It's been in the works since 2009.Holy crap, I've been waiting for this one for like 5 years! Get pumped! <3