Did they use a different composer for III? This music is pretty..... un-inspiring so far.
It's Rudy Helm you unwashed peasant.
It's my second favorite QFG track (after 4) in terms of best pieces, and #1 on average thanks to 4 having both the best and the shittiest tracks.
everything is not so inspiring about third part
apparent disconnected setting - like, you were taken away from Rakeesh & co h in the end of the third part, and the events of the fourth one took somewhere about a month, yet when you meet him in fifth, almost immediately after the end of the fourth, he's all old & greymane & has a grown-up kid... WTF???)
The only disconnect is in the neurons in your brain
![RPGCodex does not scale to your level :rpgcodex: :rpgcodex:](/forums/smiles/codex_troll.png)
Shakra is mentioned (by name even I think) back in QFG3, where they tell you he's in Silmaria studying magic and hoping to open up his own shop, as he's taken after his mother's magical talents. And once you get to Silmaria you, shockingly, find... Shakra! who's a mage! WITH HIS OWN MAGIC SHOP!!!!!1111
Fucking players who can't read shit
Also, Rakeesh is NOT young. It's kinda hinted at in 2, when you consider he was already king and then abdicated BEFORE he even became a paladin, then had been leading the paladin's life for some time before you meet him. And it's stated outright in 3 when you meet the young and old guards at the gate - the young one, who's old enough to serve, wasn't even born when Rakeesh abdicated.
and that's not surprising, considering that original authors were not even planning to do it the way it was done.
Bullshit, the Coles have flipflopped on what the original plan for the entire series was several times. And it was obvious since like 2 that one of the games would eventually take place in Silmaria, as it's referenced in 2 and 3 several times.
I won't say that there are no bright spots in it, but, gameplay-wise, it's the narrowest one out of them all (meaning that all classes are confined to their options and no multi-classing rewards are available)
Good. "Multiclassing" in QFG3 is little more than exploiting anyway. And besides you can still do several things not as intended, and it makes perfect sense
there's way too little side-content (especially for thief
Bullshit. This lie has been spread for years now (funnily enough NOT back when the games were still being released) and it's obvious it originated from a butthurt thief player who never touched any of the other classes. EVERY game after the first shafted at least one class with almost zero side content or class-specific content. EVERY.ONE. QFG2 had the one-minute-long EOF event for fighters and the two-minute-long WIT for the mage, but of course tons of side stuff for the thief so that's alright, we can pretend it's full of side content for everyone! QFG5 had the ring of truth stuff for the paladin and NOTHING for the mage, but of course tons of side stuff for the thief so that's alright, we can pretend it's full of side content for everyone! And everybody's darling QFG4 actually shafts both mages AND thieves with pitiful shit for the thief and one of the absolutely stupidest triggers forced down the mage's throat (the whole fairies deal), yet of course all those complaining about 3's lack of thief choices don't mind that in 4. QFG3's actually the only one that only shafts ONE class instead of two, yet of course everyone picks on it. Fucking double standards.
and there are some really, really stupid moments, like having casual sex with that stupid werejaguar chick - I mean, WTF, I'm a freaking paladin who even abstained from looking at some pixellated boobies through the magical glasses (and mind you, those boobies were white, well, sand-white), yet here I easily engage in promiscuity with some black whore? How the fuck am I going explain this to Erana (later, obviously)?
Well done spoiling shit for the guy playing for the first time. Also, casual sex? they kiss. Promiscuity? you've never even met
Erana then. Did you have to explain your first school kiss to your wife? did she accuse you of cheating on her because you kissed someone ten years before you'd even met her? and why the fuck are you bringing Biowarian arguments into a QFG thread? GTFO
Sorry, I get a little bit defensive when certain specific arguments get brought up against QFG3. No hard feelings I hope.