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KickStarter Quest For Infamy - A Quest for Glory-like Indie Adventure Game

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
o hey a door on which i can practice lockpicking

time to set up a macro and return in 5 minutes


Infamous Quests
Jun 8, 2012
Syracuse NY
Codex 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Hahah, ain't that the truth! QFI's scope is really something huge - and something we always dreamed of doing - and, Dammit, we did it! I don't think we'll ever do something quite as big and sprawling again. But, you know, for making our dream game - we really got to do all of those things we wished we could do in adventure games.

Blackthorne, man, burned my gamming budget on so many games and the pile of games to play got growing and growing and not enough time to play them, every time I open steam, Blackguards, Divinity Original Sin and Wasteland 2 look like shameless whores to me. It is quite distracting, so... I wanna know Steam is on the winter sale where Quest for Infamy is available for 50% off. So, I have a moral conflict, one part of me say screw this, gonna play now, gonna play now, right on my veins bro but other part says for me to wait until 3 of january to pay your game full price.

Now, are you alive, still living on a decent home and not some hut on Alaska, are your team cooking their boots to eat or something... because... shit... my scrooge mcduck instincts are yelling "It's fucking 50% off you moron, buy it, buy it, BUY IT." to me. So, do you need some extra bucks to prepare for the winter on the adventure game indie developer wasteland and find some nice tree to take a nap?

Dude, but it on sale - please, with my blessing. If you like it, maybe you'll buy another game we make in the future. Free market's all about it - I appreciate the support, thought and sentiment of wanting to pay full price, man - but take a deal when it comes. That's why it's there!



Oct 20, 2012
Grim Midlands
To my utter shame I have never played a Quest for Glory game. Would people suggest this as a good entry point for popping my cherry so to speak?


Nov 8, 2012
To my utter shame I have never played a Quest for Glory game. Would people suggest this as a good entry point for popping my cherry so to speak?
Start playing on the QfG 1 official VGA remake, start with a thief, export save, download the QfG 2 vga unnoficial remake by the same guys that are now Himalaya studios and import save from QfG 1, continue playing as a thief for fun, as a mage for some nice spells and nice exclusive content or become a paladin (to be a paladin, you gonna need to be a nice guy, including not robbing people) for nice storyfag moments, export QfG 2 save and import it on QfG 3, you gonna have another opportunity to be a paladin (only if you start as a fighter) do it or become a mage, little reason to play as thief, export the save and import it on QfG 4 and play the best QfG game, all classes have nice exclusive content. Avoid QfG 5 like plague unless you wanna see for yourself how long and boring combat sections with shitty combat gameplay and shitty puzzles on early 3d graphics is awful.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Just finished act 1, and while I had some sensible chuckles every now and again, there are some things about this game that are really obnoxious.

- The whole 'you can't go in there yet!' blocked off areas are lazy, uncool and half-arsed. Even the most conveniently-placed barrier blocking the way would be better than just a pop up saying 'FUCK OFF RETURN LATER'.
- The main plot triggers that block very obvious stuff from happening. I read and heard about gnolls being chainsmokers. I encounter a gnoll. I want to give him the most expensive tobacco - 'MAYBE YOU SHOULD TALK WITH HIM MORE BEFORE YOU OFFER ANYTHING!'. But I can't talk with him more. WHY can't I give the gnoll the tobacco? FFS. Or, for that matter, WHY can't I read Hummel's diary when I find it in that chimney, and have to wait for it until I've delivered the wood to the gypsy king? And once I have the diary WHY can't I give it to Hummel, who will only say 'I DUN NEED YER CRAP'. FFS! I even got a white robe and disabled the forcefield to the Morroi keep, but can't take it to the dyer in Tyr to paint it green because reasons. Yet I am sure that will magically become possible once I step on the right trigger later.
- Pushing the main plot. Running back and forth between Hummel, the pub and whatever else that is needed there is not cool. I had to stumble upon Japsworth completely by accident at some point when I was running around the whole map having no idea WTF I was supposed to do to kick the plot forward. Oh yeah and that key he drops - how is there even any sort of connection between that key and the bank?
- Some of the exits from the maps really need to be marked better. I had to check a walkthrough just to find out that I can go west from the burnt-down mansion because you can only leave the map by going through the small part in the lower-left corner of the screen, and not simply through the left part altogether :/
- Too. Many. Items.

Those things really made me raeg more than once, and there are even more minor quibbles out there. For instance, the characterisation for Rayford I feel just doesn't exist. From the get-go, the player is supposed to just take it at face value that Rayford is a dickhead, and even the protag just keeps saying 'WHOA THAT RAYFORD WHAT AN ASSHOLE HOLY SHIT I HATE THAT GUY' when all that happened to him from Rayford's hands was a short conversation along the lines of 'you're new in town? Cool, cause no trouble'. Truly, the most dickheaded person in existence!

Let's see if act 2 manages to break me further.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
I dunno man, this might be due to my excessive hoarding coupled with robbing the bank, getting 50k $$$ and buying everything I can, but running around with a bazillion of items (out of which half look like red herrings) leads me to some very bad cases of Desperate Astronaut Tries Everything with Everything. This is especially magnified by the general Sierra-like Adventure Game Formula where you can expect everything to actually WORK with everything.

EDIT: Oh yeah, even further magnified by those main quest triggers that unlock actual logical resolutions.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
oh yes this does already deliver

"Hey bro plz find the moonshiner's secret HQ in the forest. His secret HQ is behind a big orange bush you cant miss it"

indeed i know which bush you talk about

so i get to it and i try moving through. But itz too dense!!! So i try using every sharp object in my inventory on it (including saw, axe and two different swords and knives) - no dice, 'you have no reason to use this on the bush!'

ok then maybe setting it on feuer will work? tinderbox and flint dont work. Maybe i hafta sprinkle it first with something flammable like oil or alcohol? nop, "you have no reason to use this on the bush!".


obviously the solution to this is to hide behind a fucking tree and wait for a random guy to come out, then interrogate him so that he can INDEED CONFIRM THAT THERE IS A PATH BEHIND THE BUSH EVEN THOUGH I HAVE ALREADY HEARD OF IT TWICE





Infamous Quests
Jun 8, 2012
Syracuse NY
Codex 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2

EDIT: I will say, we've redesigned the bush puzzle logic, etc, for the 1.1 version. What can I say? Shit happens. Love the digital age - you can improve things, hopefully, and upload 'em later.
Last edited:


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009

I feel like it's a fair criticism, not so much by the fact that you, indeed, have many items but because inventory management is pretty bad. It would've benefited a lot from a stash where you could put all the items you didn't need, specially since there were some of them whose function was duplicate or some of them that you won't need in your playthrough at all.


Crystal Shard
Sep 26, 2013
Yeah, all the criticism is fair (though the way it was delivered reminds me of how Darth raged when Heroine's Quest had a bug in the rogue path! You're pretty unforgiving for a v1.0 release :)).

I will admit I didn't give much of this sort of feedback when I was testing QFI because 1) I had played it too many times, and when this happens, one can easily overlook things that can improve gameplay 2) Focused on technical bugs rather than design issues. This included checking that Roehm can't trigger certain events ahead of time (e.g. if he had gone to the Morroi compound in Act I wearing a green robe, it would have triggered the end of Act II). And these issues only came up during testing towards the later phase of development, so there wasn't really any way to implement more events (requiring more writing, coding and voiceovers).

Hopefully in the future, the whole team can sit down with the design document and nut out those instances where players may 'try to do things out of order' and have more than just a 'you can't do that right now' response. It's better to catch these things earlier rather than later.V1.1 does have some better interactivity, like as Bt mentioned about the bush puzzle, though it won't address every instance of 'you can't do that right now'.

As for the chest, well, I drew a chest in the inn bedroom for that purpose, but I never explicitly asked for a storage functionality for it! I guess I should have, but it didn't bother me because Roehm didn't have a Str/weight limit. Something like this is possible to include if Bt wants to though (maybe v1.2?).

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
(though the way it was delivered reminds me of how Darth raged when Heroine's Quest had a bug in the rogue path! You're pretty unforgiving for a v1.0 release :)).

Considering it was a nearly-gamebreaking bug right at the final bossfight, I would say I was justified in doing that :rpgcodex:


Wormwood Studios
Aug 15, 2012
I haven't played the game, but DR's criticisms basically sound like QFI was done in to some degree by its good intentions. Even with Primordia, which had a very small number of rooms by comparison (I want to say 40), and geography defined by corridors and chokepoints, it was a real challenge to have the barriers logical, the interactions "reactive" to what had happened elsewhere, and so forth. Partly that's because we tried to make rooms "deep" in terms of quantity of content since we had so few of them, but partly it's just a really hard thing to get right with an adventure.

QFI's scope sounds amazing, but there is a point when too many rooms, too many items, too many characters, too much dialogue is actually a legitimate criticism, i.e., when the game's increased volume simply decreases the density of care that the developer can give. Still someone had to take a stab at making a commercial AGS / retro P&C that had the volume of the old Sierra games, if only to show that it could be done and up the ante for other developers. In fact, it appears that the next WEG game (Technobabylon) will also be very large in scope, though I'm not sure if that's in reaction to QFI or merely coincidental.


Infamous Quests
Jun 8, 2012
Syracuse NY
Codex 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
I dunno. I know I set out to make QFI with one mission in mind: To piss off Darth Roxor. So, you know, life goal achieved. Which is awesome!!

Heh - yes, like I said, making a game with a large scope was something we always wanted to try to do. Tracking all the variables and events can get a bit overwhelming at times, and like Fizzii said - playing it over and over again in testing, sometimes you miss certain details because you forget to think of them. When the playing of adventure games becomes rote and a job, you sometimes forget the creative and out of the box thinking that made you love Adventure Games in the first place. I think we did a decent job, all things considered, and a lot of the small logic/event conditionals we tried to improve slightly in 1.1, which is forthcoming. In the end, you'll never please everyone, so you have to please yourself. I think a lot of Roxor's points and criticism were valid, as Fizzii said, but - you know, at least he didn't say "I'm sorry I purchased this at all" or "You raped my childhood, you fucking bag of suckfuck." So, you know, my pleased-o-meter is still leaning to the "win" column.

As for "too many items", you know, I always LOVED having a big inventory. I did - it was always one of the fun parts of games for me. Just having stuff. I never used the chest in QFG at all, cause I liked having my stuff on me at all times, and if it encumbered me too much, I just got rid of some crap, heh. So, I didn't put it in in QFI. However, as I can see now - there are a lot of items, and this may confuse or annoy people scrolling to look for certain things. It occurs to me that maybe in the future, in a game like this, to have a main inventory and a "backup" or secondary inventory you can access at anytime. I'd probably put the second inventory accessible from the first with a "chest" icon at the bottom, and you'd click on it and see all the items you put in there. Just an idea, so you can have your primary free from clutter.


Unkillable Cat

May 13, 2009
Codex 2014 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy
(Late to the party, I know.)

Yeah, there were chests for storage in some of the QFG games, though definetely not in the first one. I rarely (if ever) used them, I prefer to use the good ol' Pockets of Infinite Holding and Be Prepared!-mentality of things.

Anyway, I picked up QfI in the current IndieGala bundle, and after a quick test-playthrough, followed by reading this thread, I have to ask - is that 1.1 version out yet? Because I really found it funny that all I had to do to cause a CTD in the game was to reach the screen that is south of the fountain/graveyard and then "Look" at the graveyard in the background.

I mean, causing QFG1 to glitch and crash took some effort, the same amount of effort as it took NOT to make QFG4 crash during a playthrough. Here I'm just pulling a "Kim Jung-Un Looking At Things" and 5 minutes in the game is already crying in the corner.

(And yeah, causing Darth Roxor to rage is thing to do. I think I've pulled it off at least twice now in the last year or so.)


Infamous Quests
Jun 8, 2012
Syracuse NY
Codex 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Sorry, I was away on vacation. Yeah - we're still polishing off the ends of v 1.1 - and, yeah, I'm sorry about that stupid fucking cemetary bug. It goes looking for an audio file that somehow was left out and not built into the audio.vox file. Fucking stupid, simple mistake and it crashes the game. It's been fixed, along with a bunch of other items in 1.1 - as well as a bit of additional content. Just making sure the last few bits are ready for 1.1 release. I'll post here before we go live with it, I promise.



Infamous Quests
Jun 8, 2012
Syracuse NY
Codex 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Excellent. Though I hope we nailed all the bugs that inevitably creep up when you try to fix other ones. We keep testing to find those, but I just know some are going to slip by. Ugh. I just got back from vacation, and I'd already played the game 3 times since I got home Thursday. Getting REAAAAL sick of my own shit, I tell ya. Hah.


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