Full DEMO english patch here
Alexandros said:Haba said:Alexandros said:Haba said:If you can point out what you find interesting in Rance, then we probably can find you all-ages games with similar elements.
Basically any turn-based strategy/RPG game will do, with as little sex stuff as possible.
Not to mention all of his more negative actions are always due to the fact he's pretty much a lazy manchild who would do anything to avoid working. It's also interesting to note that canonically he saved pretty much everyone he met in JAPAN, and the fact that he does have serious concerns with contraception and not actually hurting cute girls, or the whole lolicon thing.Overweight Manatee said:Rance is a very unique character. His motivations are basically that of an anti-Hero version of a Lawful Stupid Paladin, which opens up all the interesting points of a rigidly principled character without limiting the actions to purely goody goody must do no evil. Its also refreshing to play a character who absolutely doesn't give a fuck, and so Rance himself drives the game based on what he wants to do. How many other games do you really get to see that in? Commander fucking Shepard gets led around like a dog on a leash from plot point to plot point.
Overweight Manatee said:Rance is a very unique character.
OP: LOL - wrong section, faggot.
To anyone who decides to LP it then, I would recomend to first LP some of the older titles (Rance 1 and Rance 02 are translated), since the game brings back many old characters.
I was thinking of LPing the older games myself (and maybe I will after I finish the WW lp), starting from 1, but seems the project for 3 and 4 got frozen.
Well, Sengoku Rance is The Game. Play it first. If you are one of those who plays ultimas/wizardry sagas from the begging start with the first.I never played any Rance game, where should I start?
To anyone who decides to LP it then, I would recomend to first LP some of the older titles (Rance 1 and Rance 02 are translated), since the game brings back many old characters.
I was thinking of LPing the older games myself (and maybe I will after I finish the WW lp), starting from 1, but seems the project for 3 and 4 got frozen.
Go for it.
Rance... never before have I played a RTS game while not wearing pants.
Quite the opposite.I can assume this game has gay elf buttsecks?
Rance 1 is pretty poor just because its undeveloped. Just kind of a bad adventure game with annoying combat and bad puzzles. Translated
Rance 02 (remake of 2) is fairly good. Dungeon exploration, a few (good from here on out) puzzles, simple combat and little challenge, but a charming short game. Translated
Rance 3 is decent. Kind of overly linear without much of the puzzle solving, but the first Rance where Rance really starts being Rance character-wise IMO. Medium length. Not translated (apparently the dude who was translating it had a 100% complete script then dropped off the face of the earth).
Rance 4 is really great. The whole thing is exploring a huge tower with tons of puzzles and a pretty good battle system (grid based movement, lots of character spells. Rance 3 actually had a similar system but it was 10x simpler). Graphics-wise this is also the first game that makes huge leaps in not turning off my inner graphics whore, it looks really good. One of the longer Rance games, and my favourite outside of the non-Sengoku-like ones. Not translated.
Rance 4.1/4.2 I haven't played. Plan to at some point but keep getting cut short. Initial impressions of 4.1 aren't that great though, Rance 4 with worse exploration, really bad battle system (rance 2-like but screwed up a lot more), and a bunch of other things that are annoying me.
Kichikuou Rance is basically an earlier Sengoku Rance where a non-canon Rance decides to conquer the world. Pretty good but battle system is a lot weaker. Not translated.
Rance 5 is shit. It takes RNG abuse to the next level. You don't choose what abilities you want your characters to use, the dice roll does. You don't choose where to go in a dungeon, the dice roll does (and this game introduces time limits that trigger instant game end for no reason if you take too long, also good luck if you roll multiple bosses in a roll). Then opening chests takes random rolls, searching for plot points take random rolls. Did I mention no manual saving, only auto-saves after plot points? On top of that there is absolutely nothing else noteworthy about the game. FUCK IT ALL FUCK FUCK FUCK. The only good thing you could do with this game is give it to Bioware to use as inspiration for DA3 and hope it finally forces EA to give them the axe.
Rance 6 is fairly standard JRPG dungeon crawler. Story is pretty good, but its completely linear and combat is on the easy side. Lots of characters with different abilities, but Rance alone can 1HKO almost everything through the game (bosses he 1HKO's or paralyzes with Rance Attack), so not much challenge. Also King Gandhi is fucking awesome. Almost completely drops the puzzles and exploration though (the only real "puzzle" was due to my misunderstanding of the auto-translated text). Probably the longest Rance game (good thing, unlike the other 99% of JRPGs it manages to do so without wasting my time). Not translated.
Rance Quest is basically Rance 6 minus the good story but plus for non-linearity and over 9000 characters. The 3D actually looked surprisingly good. Really grindy end though. Apparently close to being translated.
Non-translated games can all be run through a translation program you can find on Hongfire with various degrees of success.
Sengoku Rance, as mentioned, is The Game. If it was released from a major western developer it would have easily been the RPG and strategy GOTY on the codex. Near perfect in so many ways.
Taking your preferences in gaming into consideration, I bet you don't even have a penis, Haba.OP: LOL - wrong section, faggot.
Look at the thread title. Then look at my penis.
Taking your preferences in gaming into consideration, I bet you don't even have a penis, Haba.OP: LOL - wrong section, faggot.
Look at the thread title. Then look at my penis.
[spekkio] Are you embarrassed, fag? Then let me end this moment of shame by sending you to hell...
Haba silently reached for his zipper.
*Ziiiip* *BOINK!*
[spekkio] What the―! Such a huge cock… This can't possibly be…
[spekkio] Y-you must be an immigrant.
[Haba] While size alone doesn't matter, not all of us have small dicks. Didn't you know about this?
[spekkio] Y-you bastard!!Keep that large thing away from me, I don't want to screw you.
[spekkio] Bah, you lousy Weaboo… I bet you can't even get this wimpy dick hard!
[Haba] That's interesting. You think I can't get it up?
[spekkio] W-what the hell!? Don't point it at me!! Put it away, Fag!!
[Haba] Hahaha. Do you think your big mouth could fit my majestic cock?
[spekkio] Eh… D-don't be ridiculous!
[Haba] Or maybe you prefer to have my friend here in another one of your bodies openings?
[spekkio] Eh…eeeeeh? No, I don't want that! Keep your stinking dick away!
[Haba] Ha, in that case I'll have to prove my point to you. Sorry, I'll make you my bitch now.
Pretty much what you said, but i liked rance 1 more and Rance 4 has a great end boss fight. And rance 5d id really like gambling, the only good thing it does is introducing us a new character, Rizna (blonde mage in Sengoku, one of the reinforcements)
And were you capable using some autotranslation thingy with 4.1 and 4.2?