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Recommendations please, for a story/role-playing CRPG


Aug 5, 2004
Buffalo, NY
zamuel42 said:
My future master has a nondenominationalist meathod. The meathod simply involves being initiated (so you hear the sound and see the light) and then meditating on them every day, one at a time. It is highly reccommended that you meditated 2.5 hours min every day. it is highly reccommended that you follow the 10 commandments and the buddheist precepts, which are the same.

8 fold path == 10 commandments?

8 == 10?

Think about that a bit omre there.

We belive that all the religion teach the same truth, but in different languages and the holly books include different history.

Different holy books... books controlled solely through the Church. The Church you recently accused of being liars and murders. Be carefuly whose writings you trust. If there IS any similarity between Christianity and Buddhism it's because Christians probably tried to assimilate Buddhists and stole some of their beliefs in the attempt.

About christianity. I believe that christianity in its orthidox form is not the truth. There is truth in it as it has many of jesus's quotes and some other things. It has mostly been distorted so much that what most christians follow is not the truth. Most christians are meat eaters, dont meditate, ouly ask favors, and are as selfish as everyone else. Most christians in america dont give much to charity and vote republican too.

Most non-christians in America are like that too.

Jesus lived a very poor life with no significant personal property.

No one did. There was nothing TO own back then! You could own land, wood or livestock and that's about it.

When he got a oiled foot massage after a long day walking one of his disciples scoleded him, saying how could you do hat when people are so poor. This indicates he usually lead a liofe of self denial.

All that indicates is that Jesus was less of a hardass than the people who wrote the Bible and administered the church.

Most American Christians believe in invasion and the death penalty. Most americans, america being most christian, dont want to give any real, but extrordinarilly small, amout of money to africa. Many christians are antisemites. Early christians all followed the jewish laws it was only when they wanted more converts that they watered the religion down to get meat eating selfish pegans to convert. jesus was a vegitarian.

Jewish laws do not include vegetarianism. Considering that there's little knowledge out there about Jesus (for instance while most agree he exists I've seen him labled as everything from a carpenter to a street performer) there is no way for you to know what his diet was.

To pray to god you have to know god, to know god you have to get enlightened. all jesuses apostols were enlighteded becuase they had a living master.

How did your soon-to-be enlightened master get enlightened then? And why doesn't God enlighten us so that we can know Him?

This is what really gets me about most religions. God is supposed to love and care for all his people, but dooms us all to some infinite punishment because we need to "know" him or something and he won't come introduce himself.

If you want have real religion, not placebo, you need to get enlightened. enlightenment is what all the saints talk about. blind faith is a bad idea.

What makes you think enlightenment comes from a quick poke to the head rather than years of study and learning? Buddha sure as hell didn't have it so easy!

I was athiest until I found I had really good fact based reasons to believe.

Err... fact based? So far all your defenses seem based on half baked assumptions.

pretty soon I will get the super hard evidence, enlightenment. Unless you find a living master You will never have anything but blind faith to go by. To go to heaven you need to bring your consiousness to the right level right before you die, to your forhead. you can tell where someone went when they die by which part of their body is still hot/warm. And its free, why not? Even if it doesnt work out, whats lost? you just didnt klill any animals and got healthier for 3+a little months

I'm sure the Heaven's Gate cult people thought the same thing...


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Sarvis, you totally forgot to mention that the the Christian = Antisemite, America = Christian thing doesn't make any sense considering America = Biggest Supporter of Israel in the world.


Jul 13, 2004
sarvis, this guy is a lost cause. one thing i give him though, at least he's persistent in proving just that. he just makes it too easy though and i can't resist posting back.

having said that, the buddhist percepts - 4 noble truths or the 8 fold path deal with extinguishing "thirst" which causes suffering, once this is accomplished one reaches nirvana or non-existence. there's also this very important thing called the wheel of birth and death or samsara where one is reborn everytime he or she doesn't reach nirvana. now the speculation is how can one reach nirvana, well there's the 8 fold path. but how do you know it's the right path? the monks explain that some enlightened people a long time ago reached nirvana and the came back(read: transcended non-existence) and passed on their knowledge down the line. far fetched, ain't it? maybe if you meditate long enough you'll be able to do that too

10 commandments are very basic rules on how one should behave, basically few do's and don'ts it has been said that when if one will follow them, he or she will be in heaven/kingdom of god. oh, and you aren't reborn if you screw up. now here's where naive people like zamuel draw a comparison of heaven=non-existence. now add fancy wordplay, like levels, initiation, third eye, one eyed monster, levels, enligtenment and you may actually seem like a knowledgable person, sell a few books, speak at few campuses, pretend you're a big shot, and never have to work at real job again. but hey, if that gets you off...you're a crackpot moron


Aug 5, 2004
Buffalo, NY

I didn't forget, I'm just mostly ignorant of the entire situation. I've heard it referenced before as one of the reasons people hate us so much... but that's about it. One day I'll stop being lazy and try to do some reading on the subject...

hussar said:
sarvis, this guy is a lost cause. one thing i give him though, at least he's persistent in proving just that.

Oh I know, but I just love a good argument and this one has a nice relaxed pace to it. ;)

having said that, the buddhist percepts - 4 noble truths or the 8 fold path deal with extinguishing "thirst" which causes suffering, once this is accomplished one reaches nirvana or non-existence. there's also this very important thing called the wheel of birth and death or samsara where one is reborn everytime he or she doesn't reach nirvana. now the speculation is how can one reach nirvana, well there's the 8 fold path. but how do you know it's the right path? the monks explain that some enlightened people a long time ago reached nirvana and the came back(read: transcended non-existence) and passed on their knowledge down the line. far fetched, ain't it? maybe if you meditate long enough you'll be able to do that too

Yeah, you know what I never got about Buddhism? Seems like the 4 Noble Truths just advocate death. I guess it does, but not sure how that attracts people!

Also Buddhists are basically supposed to expect things to be as they are, which just seems defeatest to me. I mean, if women in the 1800s had been Buddhist? No protesting or fighting for voting rights? Blech.

The world is improved by struggling to improve it, not by lying down and accepting how terrible it is.

10 commandments are very basic rules on how one should behave, basically few do's and don'ts it has been said that when if one will follow them, he or she will be in heaven/kingdom of god. oh, and you aren't reborn if you screw up. now here's where naive people like zamuel draw a comparison of heaven=non-existence. now add fancy wordplay, like levels, initiation, third eye, one eyed monster, levels, enligtenment and you may actually seem like a knowledgable person, sell a few books, speak at few campuses, pretend you're a big shot, and never have to work at real job again. but hey, if that gets you off...you're a crackpot moron

Write a book eh? Hrm...


Jul 13, 2004
Sarvis said:
Yeah, you know what I never got about Buddhism? Seems like the 4 Noble Truths just advocate death. I guess it does, but not sure how that attracts people!

Heh, I also thought that. I couldn't stop comparing Buddhists to the Dustmen from Planescape. I guess that's where the writers got their ideas from. However that was then and now after I've studied this stuff some more I noticed that such perception although easy to make at the start is in a way very misguided. At first I equated death with non-existence, seemed common sense right? However in order to understand this concept you have to understand the Buddhist concept of a "self", or actually that there's no-self, no soul (Anatta). In layman terms all there is is just properties, all we are is a composite of various properties that interact with each other in a specific way and give us the illusion of the self. This is hard to digest for us westerners since we take the self for granted. Look at our language, I did this, I went there, You said this, He is getting brainwashed, there's always this underlying substance of "I". According to Buddhists this is an illusion (Mara?) and following the 4 noble truths will make one truly realize that and reach nirvana. Interestingly enough one can also reach nirvana another way, that is by following the path of compassion ala Mother Teresa. There's some truth to it, as some say that the more they volunteer the less the think of themselves. But I'm going out on a tangent here. In one of his teachings Buddha when asked by a student what happens to the you (self) when you reach Nirvana - firstly he replied that such question is stupid. Buddha made an analogy to the flame, which is extinguished. He asks where did the flame go? East? West? North? You should get the point by now. (Don't bring physics or chem into it, this is a 2,500 year old analogy :) ) So in a nutshell there is no self and Buddhists strive to achieve such realization because as of now we're living in a illusory world? That's what is uactually meant by Buddhists who say that everything around us isn't real. I'm pointing this out since many take this literally and wrongfully apply it literally saying that, "oh, this keyboard that I'm typing on doesn't exist".

On an interesting note if anyone is ever curious I recommend looking into David Hume's theory on personal identity. It's in a way similar to Buddhism as it says that there's no underlying substance in anything only properties. He is the only major western philosopher I'm aware of that presents such theory.

Sarvis said:
Also Buddhists are basically supposed to expect things to be as they are, which just seems defeatest to me. I mean, if women in the 1800s had been Buddhist? No protesting or fighting for voting rights? Blech.

The world is improved by struggling to improve it, not by lying down and accepting how terrible it is.
You're generalising a little, but I understand where you coming from. Buddhists strayed away from change and modern world because they were afraid that such may be negative to their religious ways. I reccomend seeing a movie "The Cup" which portrays such modernization issue. It's based on a true story and in it young monks are willing to do almost anything to borrow a TV and watch the World Cup (yeah soccer!), funny lighthearted stuff. This leads into some very interesting thoughts about facing modernization and modern ideas, trends thoughts by the Buddhist monks. Back on topic, if you look at the Buddhist philosophy overall, protesting or fighting for voting rights doesn't classify as a first rate issue. In their view of the world there are more important things like leading a simple life and striving for nirvana. No all of them though as many take all this stuff (like in any religion I guess) half-seriously. It's not uncommon to see monks wearing nice Nike's shoes, scheming of tourism and exploiting their religion. But off course some do get involved in politis as I'm sure they wouldn't look forward to being screwed over all the time.

Sarvis said:
Write a book eh? Hrm...
Who? Me? :o I wouldn't mind actually writing a book and exposing such cultish crap, or even some aspects of various religions. My writing skills and thought gathering process need plenty of improvement though. But anyways, grad school will probably eat up most of my life soon.

Edit - I do suck at composing my thoughts...and sentences


Jun 24, 2004
"He's gonna be a world champion meditator and enlightenment will soon be
shooting out of his every orifice" - ElastiZombie

"She didn't like salmon though, which only proves she was a dumb cunt. Salmon
is fucking delicious." - Saint

Absolutely fucking hilarious!

Fez' sig is good. I think you should pay closer attention to what it says Zam. Because after your "Initiation" (I'm hoping it involves an 18 inch dildo) you might like to have a go at it yourself.

Crazy cults are good comedy value.
I wish more people were dumb enough to join them.


Jul 13, 2004
This thread may be well dead...but what the hell.

zamuel42 said:
No man, as I explained, you were talking semantics by saying what reincarnates isnt a soul I Suspect that the short book you read on buddhism gave you a grossly over simplified view In hinduism, which is the same in most of the important way, the one is also call god, or braham. The th One I mean the Oness of everything.
Buddha was a Hindu just as much as Jesus was a Jew. True, Buddhism did come out of Hinduism. The two share some major similarties like "the wheel of birth and death". However Buddhism is different in one MAJOR and the most important way. There is no belief in Brahmin in Buddhism. Brahmin itself is so terribly vauge for us to understand anyway and you're only making things worse by adding such crap as "Oneness of everything". First of all Brahmin may mean different things to different Hindus but it basically boils down to some sort of underlying substance which may or may not be seen as God. Anyhow, Buddhism surpasses that by simply getting rid of it. That's how Buddha got enlightened, he saw the faultiness in Hindu ways and concluded that there's no Brahmin. The concept of Nirvana or non-existence is rather foreign in Hinduism. This difference alone shows how ignorant your statement was. You keep on relying on what someone told you and do not bring any of your ideas in. Your future master made few, inductive, vauge, unsupported, unproven, connections and translated them into some holy truths. You're a typical brain washing material and probably you're the only one here that doesn't realize it.

p.s. Also Buddha rejected most of the Hindu harsh ways of life and advocated the Middle Way (basically moderation).
That is why you can see other worlds by meditating properly. everything is contained in everything. that is how heaven is in all of us. You should look at Masaru Emotos ice crystal pictures to see hard proof that the material world is not what most people think. I sa a bird vanish once. My dad saw a pice of ash floating to the ground vanish. UFOs defy physics. I dont think they are physical spaceships. MRA also proves unsubstanialness of the physical reality. So do ghosts. so do miracals, if you believe them. so does quantem mechanics.
I'm speachless. Btw how old are you?


Jul 13, 2004
Hory said:
zamuel42, if you're looking for a religion, try a rational one: (eg. Universism), not personality cults.
Or don't try anything at all. This Universism seems a bit wishy-washy. It may sound appealing but I see no reason why one should belong to it unless you desparetly want to donate some money or have a desperate need of belonging somewhere.


Jul 8, 2005
Im 19, studying to be a sientist because its te only way (besides enlightenment, which I working on too) to really help mankind significantly. I guess now Im not working very hard t it, just taking a summer calculus class, but that because am waiting for initiation and dont want to summon the will power to do good all the time. Im taking a break. Until recently i hadnt played games for a year because I was too busy educating my self so I can help the world. Im taking a break from hardcore state of the world research because I think I will find out soo much so soon. Once Im initiated I will be spending almost all my time helping.

I had been ignoring your personal attacks and religious falsehoods( im not saying you arnt properly quoting some parts of their books, just that you are missing the imprortant stuff and comparing the number of commandments instead of what they ask is stupid) But I am not joining this because I want to be a part of something (although that does sound nice, al of her deciples I have taked to have been extremely nice) Im doing it to reach enlightenment for selfish and unegoistic, humanitarian reasons.

Yall are such insulters. you havnt even met me. Im not saying this to everyone on this forum, but to you insulters. get off and get a life. The world needs a heap load of help. Read a book of the religion before you attack it, otherwise you are wasting everyones time. I could have rebutted your incorrect stuff argueing here isnt one Truth that all religions talk about, but its not worth my time. I told you everything neccessary to get a caring, life interested person to find out some about Her teachings. I dont want to spend my time in a religious arguement with someone I dont like enough to try to help.

She doesnt even have a religion with soecial teaching, which I think make s it not qualify as a cult. the are many masters of most religions who try to lead there student/descpiles to enlighten ment and teach the laws of the reigion they were raised with. She was raised buddhist and christian and has since studied the other religions and found they all teach the same thing. She didnt add anything of her own so she is a nondenominational Master who can open you wisdom eye, like the Masters of the past and some living ones. I believe she is at a higher level tan the other living ones(I doont know about all of them) so it is better to do it with her, because she is a better guide and protector. she teaches the rules of the major religions, she doesnt make up anything

I just read the front page of the universalism site. What a stupid nonreligion. They should just call it agnosticism. All the real religions say real universal trth exists. They all come to the same truth. They all come to this by mysical knowledge, aka through meditation. Meditation is not just sitting still, your soul leaves the material world. You can see and do things. All mystics experience the same things. Gandhi and some other greats say they dont base their excellent decisions on knowledge from the material world, but from mystical knowledge about the real world.

No wonder you are athiest or "universalist". How else could you justify all the time you waste?


Jul 13, 2004
19? that explains your gullibility a little. my advice to you then would be to stick to science and get a degree in it. you'll be in a much better situation than most with liberal arts degrees (like myself). travel the world a little, learn about other cultures, learn a new language. take few philosophy courses in college like logic, ethics, metaphysics, epistemology. question things. get to know the basics of each before you start making outlandish religious claims. enjoy the life a little. you said you like playing games but you're giving it up for some greater good? you can still do the things you like and be a productive person as long as you do things in moderation. nothing good will come out if you join that cult.

that's my civil advice to you. if you still think otherwise then i don't see how i can put some sense into you. i can only continue to prove how ignorant your previous statements were and how your non-existing defense of them shows that you are really inexperienced in those matters. by adding fuel to the fire you'll be only prompting me to be more vulgar to you and refer to you in less then respectable terms.

edit - this forum should have spell checker or something


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Calculus will lead you closer to enlightenment than some wacky vegetarian tart magically openning some mystical wisdom eye in your mind that you won't notice unless you meditate three hours a day for months and months.

ps. Jesus ate meat. Nyah nyah nyah.


Nov 9, 2002
Monkey Island
Good luck reconciling science and hokey mysticism, pal. People always say that science isn't necessarily contradictory to religion, but no loving God would have created pi. Besides, the utter halfassedness of the human body (especially the stupid circulatory system) is proof that no intelligence designed it.


Jul 8, 2005
As I alreadysaid, you notice your wisdom eye being open immediately. You ave an immediate enlightnement experience. You will immediately get an enlightenment experience no higher than the current level of your soul. You will see the Light and hear the Sound. All the saints and such talk about those things.

Are you refering to the fish he fed thousands with? That was Clearly a fish made out of thin air so no senient beings were harmed for it.


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
zamuel42 said:
Are you refering to the fish he fed thousands with? That was Clearly a fish made out of thin air so no senient beings were harmed for it.

First, fish are hardly sentient. They're barely aware of their surroundings let alone aware of themselves. In fact, very few animals meet the criteria for being sentient.

Secondly, Jesus eats fish(Luke 24:42-43) and Jesus eats lamb(Luke 22:8-15). Jesus said people can eat all animals(Acts 10:10-15 and Mark 7:19). The fish Jesus ate was after the resurrection, so it wasn't the spiritually generated fish.

However, on the subject of the spiritually generated fish, it was created from a smaller portion of living fish.


Jul 13, 2004
zamuel42 said:
As I alreadysaid, you notice your wisdom eye being open immediately. You ave an immediate enlightnement experience. You will immediately get an enlightenment experience no higher than the current level of your soul. You will see the Light and hear the Sound. All the saints and such talk about those things.
This boy's got some serious stamina. Immediate enlightnement yet dependent on the level of your soul. Hmm? Super extra sketchy. Hey son, meditate some more, your soul is still level 2. You'll get an extra feat at the next level. See the light and hear the sound. And the saints talk about this? And who are the such that talk about those things? And where? Present some quotes and passages without repeating over and over what your master told you. Btw, you're still full of shit. The sad thing is that you don't even know it.


Oct 1, 2003
zamuel42 said:
I just read the front page of the universalism site.
Just to clarify, it's universism, not universALism (which is something else).
What a stupid nonreligion. They should just call it agnosticism. All the real religions say real universal trth exists. They all come to the same truth.
NO, they don't. That's why they are so many of them, and that's why they are willing to kill themselves and others to support / reject the things they agree with or reject. Even more, not all religions say real universal truth exists, and even if they all did, that would be by no means proof that indeed it exists. There was a time when all men said we're in the center of the universe and they were all wrong. There was a time when they all said earth is flat and they were all wrong. The truth isn't influenced by the number of people supporting it!
You say it's a nonreligion and that it's stupid? Stupid.....? Here are some quotes from Einstein, one of the world's greatest minds:
Einstein said:
Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods.
Einstein said:
The search for truth is more precious than its possession.
Einstein said:
The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. The religion which based on experience, which refuses dogmatic.
Well, I'm not saying that only because Einstein said that then you should support it, but saying that a religion which encourages you to think for yourself is stupid shows that it's you who's the stupid sheep. I'm sorry that I have to offend you, but you must open your eyes.
They all come to this by mysical knowledge, aka through meditation. Meditation is not just sitting still, your soul leaves the material world.
Wrong again. Christianity, which is today's most wide spread religion was not founded based on "mystical" knowledge, but rather by people that claimed direct, non-meditational contact with God and his wishes (be it a burning bush, just a voice, in the form of Jesus, etc.). All these encounters have not happened prior to them entering a meditative state or during one!
You can see and do things. All mystics experience the same things.
OH REALLY. And I don't suppose you experienced this, have you? I suppose that, as it is customary in most religions, you just follow the words of others, unquestionably believe what they say, and shape your life based on uproven stories. This is absurd.
No wonder you are athiest or "universalist". How else could you justify all the time you waste?
What's that got to do with anything? What time do I waste? Are you referring to the time not spent serving God or it's female representatives, like you do?
Here's a funny movie showing you what religion is all about:
http://www.starcantdead.com/sketches/ki ... nksass.mov


Oct 1, 2003
hussar said:
Hory said:
zamuel42, if you're looking for a religion, try a rational one: (eg. Universism), not personality cults.
Or don't try anything at all. This Universism seems a bit wishy-washy. It may sound appealing but I see no reason why one should belong to it unless you desparetly want to donate some money or have a desperate need of belonging somewhere.
There are reasons, hussar.
We're in a word where the freedom of the faithless is threatened by the irrational beliefs of the majority of Christians / Muslims / etc. We, the freethinkers (be it agnostics, atheists, deists or whatever) need to stand together in the face of the common threat. We need a way to promote this thinking, to make both the religious and the apatheists aware of the alternative. There are many who wish to impose on us 2000 year old man-made stories! Talk about irrationality and hindering human progress! We can't just sit and watch them do it. Well, I can't. That's my main reason. Others may be attracted to more social benefits such as finding like-minded individual to discuss with...


Jul 13, 2004
Hory said:
We're in a word where the freedom of the faithless is threatened by the irrational beliefs of the majority of Christians / Muslims / etc. We, the freethinkers (be it agnostics, atheists, deists or whatever) need to stand together in the face of the common threat. We need a way to promote this thinking, to make both the religious and the apatheists aware of the alternative. There are many who wish to impose on us 2000 year old man-made stories! Talk about irrationality and hindering human progress! We can't just sit and watch them do it. Well, I can't. That's my main reason. Others may be attracted to more social benefits such as finding like-minded individual to discuss with...
It seems as if you want to fight fire with fire. Organized Universism vs Organized Religion(s). Who knows maybe you'll succeed but I prefer remaining a free thinker on my own.


Sep 20, 2003
Hory said:

Haha. That guy should start a collection and air that as an infommericial in the Bible belt.


Jul 8, 2005
Have any of you looked at Mr Masaru Emotos water crystal photos? If you haavent I bet it will rock your world, it did mine. I used to think we were chemical robots who evolved from apes. I thought it didnt bother me. Now I believe there was help, but I dont presume to know. My adition to the argument is all the plants that dont make evolutionary sense. Like pitted fruit. lettus and other comparitavely slow growing, short, extra tender and tasty vegitables. Apples less than pitted fruit. Carrot and maybe beats. berrys and nuts are what make the most sense. Im not sure but I dont think pumpkins make sense. I say that Only because root reproduction seems better, but I am just guessing.

I dont know about grain

have any of you tried to find out if UFOs are real?

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