zamuel42 said:My future master has a nondenominationalist meathod. The meathod simply involves being initiated (so you hear the sound and see the light) and then meditating on them every day, one at a time. It is highly reccommended that you meditated 2.5 hours min every day. it is highly reccommended that you follow the 10 commandments and the buddheist precepts, which are the same.
8 fold path == 10 commandments?
8 == 10?
Think about that a bit omre there.
We belive that all the religion teach the same truth, but in different languages and the holly books include different history.
Different holy books... books controlled solely through the Church. The Church you recently accused of being liars and murders. Be carefuly whose writings you trust. If there IS any similarity between Christianity and Buddhism it's because Christians probably tried to assimilate Buddhists and stole some of their beliefs in the attempt.
About christianity. I believe that christianity in its orthidox form is not the truth. There is truth in it as it has many of jesus's quotes and some other things. It has mostly been distorted so much that what most christians follow is not the truth. Most christians are meat eaters, dont meditate, ouly ask favors, and are as selfish as everyone else. Most christians in america dont give much to charity and vote republican too.
Most non-christians in America are like that too.
Jesus lived a very poor life with no significant personal property.
No one did. There was nothing TO own back then! You could own land, wood or livestock and that's about it.
When he got a oiled foot massage after a long day walking one of his disciples scoleded him, saying how could you do hat when people are so poor. This indicates he usually lead a liofe of self denial.
All that indicates is that Jesus was less of a hardass than the people who wrote the Bible and administered the church.
Most American Christians believe in invasion and the death penalty. Most americans, america being most christian, dont want to give any real, but extrordinarilly small, amout of money to africa. Many christians are antisemites. Early christians all followed the jewish laws it was only when they wanted more converts that they watered the religion down to get meat eating selfish pegans to convert. jesus was a vegitarian.
Jewish laws do not include vegetarianism. Considering that there's little knowledge out there about Jesus (for instance while most agree he exists I've seen him labled as everything from a carpenter to a street performer) there is no way for you to know what his diet was.
To pray to god you have to know god, to know god you have to get enlightened. all jesuses apostols were enlighteded becuase they had a living master.
How did your soon-to-be enlightened master get enlightened then? And why doesn't God enlighten us so that we can know Him?
This is what really gets me about most religions. God is supposed to love and care for all his people, but dooms us all to some infinite punishment because we need to "know" him or something and he won't come introduce himself.
If you want have real religion, not placebo, you need to get enlightened. enlightenment is what all the saints talk about. blind faith is a bad idea.
What makes you think enlightenment comes from a quick poke to the head rather than years of study and learning? Buddha sure as hell didn't have it so easy!
I was athiest until I found I had really good fact based reasons to believe.
Err... fact based? So far all your defenses seem based on half baked assumptions.
pretty soon I will get the super hard evidence, enlightenment. Unless you find a living master You will never have anything but blind faith to go by. To go to heaven you need to bring your consiousness to the right level right before you die, to your forhead. you can tell where someone went when they die by which part of their body is still hot/warm. And its free, why not? Even if it doesnt work out, whats lost? you just didnt klill any animals and got healthier for 3+a little months
I'm sure the Heaven's Gate cult people thought the same thing...