Go back to what? It's only ONE game in the entire series that might actually live up to its genre title. REmake is the exception, not the rule. And I haven't played REmake in such a long time that I don't remember if you're correct or not, I'll just take your word on this.Everyone says this, but they always forget about RE:Remake that came out sometime after and delivered a true to form Survival Horror game. There's no reason RE couldn't go back to that except for the fact it will alienate everyone who have grown accustomed to first and third person perspective shooters.
It's certainly the only time the developers had the BALLS to recreate a faithful remake. I wouldn't be here saying this if CRAPCOM didn't fuck up both RE2 & RE3 remakes when they pandered to the RE4 crowd and were unfaithful to the source material. It's not my fault they fucked up their biggest opportunity to return RE to it's true form because they were too PUSSY to alienate the RE4 fans who have infested Resident Evil. CRAPCOM were too terrified to challenge the status quo, which is just pathetic and sad. They should have stayed far away from those 2 remakes if they couldn't muster the balls to do them properly. Now we're left with more mediocre RE4 wannabe's, which is what every RE game is now. I'm not interested in any of them, I'm done with RE from here on out. But I'm still going to state my opinion which is valid and I'm not the only one with this opinion.
If you haven't played it in a long time do yourself a favor and replay RE1 then play the Remake afterwards. That will give you a good idea on how a Remake should be done. It takes the original formula and improves upon. Modern day developers only know how to throw the good parts out the window and develop another cookie cutter shooter.
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