![Possibly Retarded](/forums/smiles/titles/possibly_retarded.png)
- Joined
- Nov 1, 2017
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- 22,612
What's next on the good fight? Wandering into a Werewolf thread and complaining about the Furry Agenda?
Nah. I'll just point them to Skyrim.
What's next on the good fight? Wandering into a Werewolf thread and complaining about the Furry Agenda?
Oh, so you also enter Skyrim threads and complain about open world games?What's next on the good fight? Wandering into a Werewolf thread and complaining about the Furry Agenda?
Nah. I'll just point them to Skyrim.
Oh, so you also enter Skyrim threads and complain about open world games?
But saying hello would be that much more effective. I for one don't complain about gayness in gay games.Oh, so you also enter Skyrim threads and complain about open world games?
Nah. I'll just point them to you as illustration of what happens when a person gets too much emptiness in the skull.
If that is what you want to believe, sure. Why not?By saying hello?Oh, so you also enter Skyrim threads and complain about open world games?
Nah. I'll just point them to you as illustration of what happens when a person gets too much emptiness in the skull.
A patch nerfed Tessera's class, so he created a movement demanding reddress. So it was the Mage's Union, complete with attempts to 'not conjure food or portals for people' (striking) until they got buffed. Tseric, a CM from Blizzard, lost his shit at Tessera's little church of cuntism and revealed that most if not all 'Mage Union' posters weren't people 'afraid of being banned or ridicule' hiding behind an alt, but rather Tessera himself. Cue a bit of drama about privacy. Tseric leaves Blizzard and Tessera gets banned from WoW.What happened on the WoW forums?
Sounds like some good drama.
Are you saying he is lying? That he made it all up so he could hack some extra animations into his waifus under the pretense of merely restoring content? Just asking what you mean by "exaggerate"...
Found a thread about it. Someone from GOG (Thiev) posted a script to revert the changes.I guess we need a better guide. This is too important a game to be left like this. If I feel ambitious I'll track down an original copy and see what's up.Yes, I followed that guide, but still had some problems.
Does TP work if you just remove those dirs?
If you're on WINE, be sure to use the "dbghelp" fix.
See my last post ^. You must've missed it in all the noise about gayness. I would like to know how to find that sewer shortcut too...Can you explain this fix to me in a way that I can include it into the loader script already available in the patch or is this an alrernative for not using the loader in the first place?
This could be made in a nice hundred episode soap opera. It have all the right ingredients.A patch nerfed Tessera's class, so he created a movement demanding reddress. So it was the Mage's Union, complete with attempts to 'not conjure food or portals for people' (striking) until they got buffed. Tseric, a CM from Blizzard, lost his shit at Tessera's little church of cuntism and revealed that most if not all 'Mage Union' posters weren't people 'afraid of being banned or ridicule' hiding behind an alt, but rather Tessera himself. Cue a bit of drama about privacy. Tseric leaves Blizzard and Tessera gets banned from WoW.What happened on the WoW forums?
Sounds like some good drama.
Shoulda used 7x7 proxiesA patch nerfed Tessera's class, so he created a movement demanding reddress. So it was the Mage's Union, complete with attempts to 'not conjure food or portals for people' (striking) until they got buffed. Tseric, a CM from Blizzard, lost his shit at Tessera's little church of cuntism and revealed that most if not all 'Mage Union' posters weren't people 'afraid of being banned or ridicule' hiding behind an alt, but rather Tessera himself. Cue a bit of drama about privacy. Tseric leaves Blizzard and Tessera gets banned from WoW.What happened on the WoW forums?
Sounds like some good drama.
Found a thread about it. Someone from GOG (Thiev) posted a script to revert the changes.I guess we need a better guide. This is too important a game to be left like this. If I feel ambitious I'll track down an original copy and see what's up.Yes, I followed that guide, but still had some problems.
@echo off
@echo WARNING:
@echo ========
@echo Applying the following script will return your install of VTM:B
@echo to the unmodified 1.2 version. There is no guarantee that the game
@echo will launch at all. The script will not backup any files. If
@echo something goes wrong you will have to reinstall the game.
@echo You are doing this at your own risk.
@echo ========
CHOICE /C YN /m "Do you want to continue?"
if errorlevel 2 goto exit
if errorlevel 1 goto script
@echo removing folders...
RD /S /Q "%~dp0Unofficial_Patch"
RD /S /Q "%~dp0Bin\loader"
RD /S /Q "%~dp0Vampire\resource"
RD /S /Q "%~dp0Vampire\maps\graphs"
@echo removing files...
DEL /F /Q "%~dp0Bin\engine.dll"
DEL /F /Q "%~dp0Bin\shaderapidx9.dll"
DEL /F /Q "%~dp0dbghelp.dll"
DEL /F /Q "%~dp0vampire.exe"
DEL /F /Q "%~dp0loader-readme.txt"
DEL /F /Q "%~dp0vtmbup-readme.txt"
DEL /F /Q "%~dp0Vampire\dlls\vampire.dll"
DEL /F /Q "%~dp0Vampire\cl_dlls\client.dll"
DEL /F /Q "%~dp0Vampire\cl_dlls\GameUI.dll"
@echo restoring original files...
MOVE /Y "%~dp0Bin\engine.dll.12" "%~dp0Bin\engine.dll" > nul
MOVE /Y "%~dp0Bin\shaderapidx9.dll.12" "%~dp0Bin\shaderapidx9.dll" > nul
MOVE /Y "%~dp0dbghelp.dll.12" "%~dp0dbghelp.dll" > nul
MOVE /Y "%~dp0vampire.exe.12" "%~dp0vampire.exe" > nul
MOVE /Y "%~dp0Vampire\dlls\vampire.dll.12" "%~dp0Vampire\dlls\vampire.dll" > nul
MOVE /Y "%~dp0Vampire\cl_dlls\client.dll.12" "%~dp0Vampire\cl_dlls\client.dll" > nul
MOVE /Y "%~dp0Vampire\cl_dlls\GameUI.dll.12" "%~dp0Vampire\cl_dlls\GameUI.dll" > nul
@echo replacing links...
DEL /F /Q "%~dp0Launch VTM Bloodlines.lnk"
DEL /F /Q "%programdata%\Start Menu\Programs\\Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines\VTM Bloodlines.lnk"
DEL /F /Q "%public%\Desktop\VTM Bloodlines.lnk"
cd "%~dp0"
REM in-game
REM creating temporary VBscript
echo Set oWS = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") > tmpShortcut.vbs
echo sLinkFile1 = "%~dp0Launch VTM Bloodlines.lnk" >> tmpShortcut.vbs
echo sLinkFileSM = "%programdata%\Start Menu\Programs\\Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines\VTM Bloodlines.lnk" >> tmpShortcut.vbs
echo sLinkFileD = "%public%\Desktop\VTM Bloodlines.lnk" >> tmpShortcut.vbs
echo Set oLink1 = oWS.CreateShortcut(sLinkFile1) >> tmpShortcut.vbs
echo Set oLinkSM = oWS.CreateShortcut(sLinkFileSM) >> tmpShortcut.vbs
echo Set oLinkD = oWS.CreateShortcut(sLinkFileD) >> tmpShortcut.vbs
echo oLink1.TargetPath = "%~dp0vampire.exe" >> tmpShortcut.vbs
echo oLinkSM.TargetPath = "%~dp0vampire.exe" >> tmpShortcut.vbs
echo oLinkD.TargetPath = "%~dp0vampire.exe" >> tmpShortcut.vbs
echo oLink1.WorkingDirectory = "%~dp0" >> tmpShortcut.vbs
echo oLinkSM.WorkingDirectory = "%~dp0" >> tmpShortcut.vbs
echo oLinkD.WorkingDirectory = "%~dp0" >> tmpShortcut.vbs
echo oLink1.Description = "Launch VTM Bloodlines" >> tmpShortcut.vbs
echo oLinkSM.Description = "VTM Bloodlines" >> tmpShortcut.vbs
echo oLinkD.Description = "VTM Bloodlines" >> tmpShortcut.vbs
echo oLink1.IconLocation = "%~dp0goggame-1207659240.ico" >> tmpShortcut.vbs
echo oLinkSM.IconLocation = "%~dp0goggame-1207659240.ico" >> tmpShortcut.vbs
echo oLinkD.IconLocation = "%~dp0goggame-1207659240.ico" >> tmpShortcut.vbs
echo oLink1.Save >> tmpShortcut.vbs
echo oLinkSM.Save >> tmpShortcut.vbs
echo oLinkD.Save >> tmpShortcut.vbs
cscript tmpShortcut.vbs > nul
DEL /F /Q tmpShortcut.vbs
@echo done!
This is what it does:
1. Remove directories Unofficial_Patch, Bin/loader, Vampire/resource, and Vampire/maps/graphs
2. Restore the original ".dll.12" and ".exe.12" files
3. Make a new link/launcher (without "-game Unofficial_Patch")
Does TP work if you just remove those dirs?
If you're on WINE, be sure to use the "dbghelp" fix. People say that fixes the missing hands problem and much worse scripting bugs later in the game.
Wesp is a nearly typical modder but with a mercury mind, change at a flash. He will change the mod as he wills, draped with some vague fan-demand words. The changes are too numerous, too far removed from the vanilla game, you cant remember it all. It is no surprise that his "patch" advance to version 10.xx and I guess will continue indefinitely.
One of the reason why I was quite wary of the Restoration Patch for Fallout 2. I don't trust modders not to insert their own bias and political idiocy into their mods.
I missed what the big deal is,did you put a big gay orgy or a pride fest? Also can you kill the faggot?One of the reason why I was quite wary of the Restoration Patch for Fallout 2. I don't trust modders not to insert their own bias and political idiocy into their mods.
That's why there is a bugfix only basic Unofficial Patch and a seperate plus version including the restorations. Because while info in the game files may sometimes be good enough to figure out exactly where the lost content should have gone, more often it's a wild guesswork and of course the modder must finally decide on his own without, or in my case with only very little, feedback from the original developers.
That's why there is a bugfix only basic Unofficial Patch and a seperate plus version including the restorations.
WESP added in stuff that wasn't in the original game (e.g., homosexual protagonist) because some emo loon in a Twilight forum wanted it.I missed what the big deal is,did you put a big gay orgy or a pride fest? Also can you kill the faggot?
At least i am not a butthurt faggot like somebody which avatar name begins with Li have a quo in the middle and ends with a rice.
It is a wonderful mess to read through. Something good to come from faggots,i guess. Honestly i don't get it, there is no sexuality choice in the original. You can play a faggot in the game as much as zoophile. After all vampires are asexual and their pleasure comes from sucking on some hobo's neck.WESP added in stuff that wasn't in the original game (e.g., homosexual protagonist) because some emo loon in a Twilight forum wanted it.I missed what the big deal is,did you put a big gay orgy or a pride fest? Also can you kill the faggot?
To be fair, it wasn't WESP per se that caused the ruckus. It was his fanbois who came in and made stupid claims and started the whole mess.
It is a wonderful mess to read through. Something good to come from faggots,i guess. Honestly i don't get it, there is no sexuality choice in the original. You can play a faggot in the game as much as zoophile. After all vampires are asexual and their pleasure comes from sucking on some hobo's neck.
I actually liked it. It adds to the illusion that the NPCs have a life and stuff to do and aren't just waiting for you to hit E. But I don't know how much work it would take to add this to other NPCs or if it's even worth the effort. You'd also have to worry about lighting. In most conversations the game ensures the characters receive proper lighting and aren't standing in some dark corner, like Therese when she walks over to the couch. If you can't do it well, leave it be.I wasn't sure about the sisters, but I just downloaded his patch and checked. He is indeed using interesting places with common animations like I suspected, so any claims these are unique animations found due to decompilation of their models are either flat out lies or misunderstanding of the Bloodlines model setup. Most Bloodlines models include an animation list called npc_allsequences to which these animations belong. They are not unique, but you could make any NPC who has access to that list play them...
When I was testing this earlier I noticed lower music volume overall compared to an earlier patch, and a muffled version of Isolated playing in front of The Asylum entrance (like with Vesuvius in Hollywood).That's why there is a bugfix only basic Unofficial Patch and a seperate plus version including the restorations.
I've read people claiming that even your Basic patch has some changes that go beyond mere bug fixing. Safe to assume it's bullshit?
It's not bullshit. The changes are usually pretty inconsequential (some discipline powers got renamed, some clans have different hand textures in first person, Jack has a new line in the tutorial, just stuff like that), but they are definitely there. The only gameplay change I noticed is that you don't lose humanity for stealing the charity money in the art gallery anymore, as long as you've asked Jeanette about it and she's claimed it won't really be going to charity anyway. I probably missed a bunch more though, since it's been a long time since I've played it vanilla.I've read people claiming that even your Basic patch has some changes that go beyond mere bug fixing. Safe to assume it's bullshit?