Notorious Internet Vandal
Same, already got the PS4 steelbook but hey it's great that more people can play what's easily one of the best game series in full.I don't feel like buying them because I have them all on console. D1P for new entries.
Yakuza 3 has a lot to like about it IMO, like fully committing to Kiryu as crimedad (a big reason why Yakuza 6 is overall my favorite is that its the story is most focused on Kiryu as a father and grandfather) and the general feel of Okinawa. But it's also got probably the most shark-jumping, and the PS3 engine's two early outings are rougher than the rest (like, they have said that because of this Kenzan wouldn't get a re-release or remaster but would need a full Kiwami treatment, since that was the game they made just to practice on the new engine). I personally still like Yakuza 3 more than 4 (and that's not because of a certain plot twist, that plot twist itself is fine).So playing Yakuza 3 for the first time. A lot of people like to shit on the game, say it's the worst in the series, etc. I'm really enjoying it a lot. It's such a nice and weird change of pace for the series in terms of subject matter and tone. Not to mention the gameplay, which while still clunky and somewhat earlier Yakuza-ish, is fun and often times enjoyably challenging on Hard. Really happy with it so far. Have had a hard time pulling myself away from it today.