Looks cool and I'm a PB fan but haven't played Risen yet.
But minigames? Why?
It reminds me of a few months ago and I was visiting my parents. My Dad is 62 years old but bought an awesome rig with 3D and a 120 Mhz screen, etc (he's a techie like me), and a bunch of modern games to go with it.
Anyways, him and my mom play 'casual' games all the time but among a bunch of other stuff he bought Mass Effect for some reason. Actually it was because it was called an 'RPG' and he knows I'm into them. So he was having trouble at this right at the beginning because he couldn't get through a door and gave up a few weeks ago.
I explained that I'd never played it before and never planned to but I'd take a look, so he loads it up and I walk around on the surface and go up to the door and a little circular thing pops up with revolving barriers and I start maneuvering around.
My Mom, who was playing Bejeweled or something on her computer had spun her chair around and was watching, she said, "it looks like a circular Frogger!" My dad said, you're right. So I got to the center of the thing and the door popped open.
He said, "huh". "Why do they make you play a game of circular Frogger to open a door?"
I said, "I don't know".
That's it. True story.
I don't think he bothered with the game after that but I'll ask him. I'm sure he's played enough frogger in his life (like we all have).