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Ross's Game Dungeon (from Freeman's Mind guy)

Astral Rag

Feb 1, 2012
And the unsurpassed Bozo's Night Out.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
he hates turn based combat
He is just a popamoleist.

Lol which popamoleist would spend time reviewing baldies and quadralien?
I meant it for the genre not as a whole. He does have very hipster taste when it comes to games as a whole. He does play games that only 7 people on the planet have heard about them.

Ross has weird taste but his Game Dungeons are still more entertaining than most gaming related videos on YT.
I agree with you,i do enjoy most of his videos. They may be shit for a informative review but are entertaining.


I like Thief THIS much
Jan 4, 2007
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
They're actually super informative reviews because he always plays games through to the end even if it's hard or tedious and gives a full account of the game, showing gameplay footage, so you can make up your own mind on whether you want to play it or not.

Mark Richard

Mar 14, 2016
Ross tends to search for the value in games that history has designated mediocre, living by the idiom one man's trash is another man's treasure. He's a big believer in the idea that an unremarkable game which does one thing really well can be a worthwhile endeavour. Whereas most people judge a game on the overall experience produced by all the elements combined, Ross is perfectly happy to fawn over the intricate construction of an individual cog, even if the clock it ends up powering is abominable. There's no wilful attempt to deceive or exaggerate, no desperate reaching or mental gymnastics in order to justify his definition of value. His unbridled passion and sincerity win me over. He seems completely genuine.

Or he's a cult leader and I'm an unwitting recruit.



Jun 30, 2011
Lost in Necropolis
He also said that gameplay in Human Revolution was an improvement.
Did he? I only remember him saying that shooting was harder in some ways, with the AI reacting faster and so on. It's also nice that on the video he plays HR the correct way: without the cover system.

I find the guy's videos generally fun to watch even if the games he plays don't interest me one bit, like The Crew. Like Mark Richard said, the guy comes off as totally genuine. He knows fully well what he likes and doesn't like and can articulate it in an insightful and entertaining way, often managing to find a unique angle on a game even if he does it by focusing on some bizarre little detail that most people probably didn't even notice.


Jun 5, 2015
He fucking sucks. The fact that he focuses on obscure titles is nice, but I hate his voice and the criticism he leverages is amateurish as fuck. I would give my left nut if there were one or two GOOD gamer youtubers that actually knew what they were talking about regarding design/gameplay
Feb 13, 2018
He's good, just not when it comes to gameplay, which is pretty fucking important. But that aside, yes, he's :obviously: and clearly does a fair amount of research. I'll look to youtube alternatives, but this guy would definitely be my go-to if he were as on the ball with gameplay as he were everything else.
What would be some channels that know what they are talking about that you recommend when it comes to gameplay? I've been searching but it appears that Youtube is filled to the brim with early college graduates who want to sound and appear smart when all they are really doing is verbally masturbating.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
He's good, just not when it comes to gameplay, which is pretty fucking important. But that aside, yes, he's :obviously: and clearly does a fair amount of research. I'll look to youtube alternatives, but this guy would definitely be my go-to if he were as on the ball with gameplay as he were everything else.
What would be some channels that know what they are talking about that you recommend when it comes to gameplay? I've been searching but it appears that Youtube is filled to the brim with early college graduates who want to sound and appear smart when all they are really doing is verbally masturbating.
You should try "MandaloreGaming" really good videos,"Gggmanlives" for shooters,"Grim Beard" also have good videos mainly about adventure games.
Feb 13, 2018
He's good, just not when it comes to gameplay, which is pretty fucking important. But that aside, yes, he's :obviously: and clearly does a fair amount of research. I'll look to youtube alternatives, but this guy would definitely be my go-to if he were as on the ball with gameplay as he were everything else.
What would be some channels that know what they are talking about that you recommend when it comes to gameplay? I've been searching but it appears that Youtube is filled to the brim with early college graduates who want to sound and appear smart when all they are really doing is verbally masturbating.
You should try "MandaloreGaming" really good videos,"Gggmanlives" for shooters,"Grim Beard" also have good videos mainly about adventure games.
Thanks for pointing out "Grim Beard" as my knowledge in Adventure Games is limited. Those two I already know, while they aren't bad it's not what I expected in terms of gameplay analysis, I was thinking of someone along the lines of "Custom Gamer".


Aug 20, 2017
He talks about games in a detailed way and he almost always completes them. He also plays the weirdest and most obscure shit imaginable.


Oct 16, 2015
He's good, just not when it comes to gameplay, which is pretty fucking important. But that aside, yes, he's :obviously: and clearly does a fair amount of research. I'll look to youtube alternatives, but this guy would definitely be my go-to if he were as on the ball with gameplay as he were everything else.
What would be some channels that know what they are talking about that you recommend when it comes to gameplay? I've been searching but it appears that Youtube is filled to the brim with early college graduates who want to sound and appear smart when all they are really doing is verbally masturbating.

Honestly, I don't know of any beyond gggmanlives for shooters. Super Bunnyhop is so-so when it comes to gameplay. Most are indeed shit. Either the compelling type that is sadly completely oblivious to the game aspects like Ross here, the verbal diarrhoea type like Errant Signal, or the popamoler that doesn't know better. Yet I am not one to ardently scour youtube for people to follow either, so I'm not the best person to ask. But yeah, gggmanlives for shooters, that's the only one I can confidently recommend and whose videos always cover gameplay as a priority, even if I don't always agree with him, he generally knows that emoshunal investment is not what you go into a FPS for, but rather gunplay, level design, AI, challenge etc. He's not very analytical though, he summarises key points, states what he did or didn't like, and weirdly likes some popamole like Resistance: Fall of Man and Call of Duty campaigns. I just tend to disregard his modern game reviews, his old school FPS ones are adequate.

Oh, another guy I quite like is ExaminedLifeOfGaming. A bit more analytical than the g man, but he is an all-american gun nut which means he likes anything remotely military shooter, including bargain bin tactical shooters and PUBG. However, he often acknowledges that these games are garbage. He can also be a bit of a realism faggot.

If I had to sell him with one video, I guess this would be it:

And he also donned a monocle to crucify Skyrim and Half-Life 2. Good videos.

But then again he did that Deus Ex video ardently defending Invisible War, and said the survival horror genre was shit, but nobody is perfect I guess.

Edit: Eh on a rewatch it sounds like he says Gears of War and other mid-late 2000 cover shooters were great (in a video dedicated to trashing that style...wut?), in which case fuck him. Nah I'll always like the guy, and his enjoyment of shit shooters is something one has to look past. He also recommends early cover shooters (Kill.Switch) which are slightly better but still shit, I wouldn't recommend that game even if it were free.
Last edited:


Oct 16, 2015
System Shock 2, the Resident Evil series, and Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners are shit games, yes yes well said. :roll:

As for Invisible War...good? A good game would stand on its own merits regardless of the connection to Deus Ex. Invisible War just isn't a good experience taken as it is. Exploration is barely rewarding, combat you're shoehorned into just spamming rocket launchers and snipers because of the dumbass ammo system, it's painful to die or to simply play the game because of the tiny levels w/long loading screens. The main draw is the audio design and the Paccoti writing. The game experience is mediocre. Still not modern popamole-tier, but "good" is some high praise. Obviously there's plenty to enjoy, especially if you've never played Deus Ex or any good RPG in your life: the multiple path approach, the soundtrack, the augmentations, whatever, but its faults are very dire and prevent it from being a "good" experience. It's just not very fun, entertaining, intriguing (setting and plot aside), it's mediocre. Still better than Bioshock though, but I wouldn't be surprised if you're a closet fan of that game too.


Aug 20, 2017
The first one isn't that much but the second and third are. Although SS2 was also pretty subpar and the infinite respawning made the game more fucking annoying than fun. Infinite respawning is never a good design decision. I don't care how big of a LGS dicksucker and pretend highbrow faggot you are but it just wasn't good.
I've only played Bioshock 2. It was okay, good visuals and art direction with a relatively interesting story and fun combat. It didn't really do anything new or particularly interesting but what it did do was executed well. The original retail box of the game also looks pretty great, I still have it.


May 14, 2012
The first one isn't that much but the second and third are. Although SS2 was also pretty subpar and the infinite respawning made the game more fucking annoying than fun. Infinite respawning is never a good design decision. I don't care how big of a LGS dicksucker and pretend highbrow faggot you are but it just wasn't good.
I've only played Bioshock 2. It was okay, good visuals and art direction with a relatively interesting story and fun combat. It didn't really do anything new or particularly interesting but what it did do was executed well. The original retail box of the game also looks pretty great, I still have it.

Re spawning in shock 2 is not a problem because the game is too generous with ammunition even on hard mode.Unless you are running pure exotic,which is not possible in the beginning of the game anyway.
Also enemies are not bullet sponges(minus specific encounters)so the combat is quick.They become tough if you are stingy about using proper ammo on enemies.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
That video is an endless drivel and nonsensical. He presented such a simple point about servers in a such pointlessly overly complicated way and that many ways,i just drop the video half way.


Aug 20, 2017
And nothing of value was lost.
I know shitting on Lawbreakers and Cliffy is "cool" and all but to say Lawbreakers was nothing of value is pretty lame. Lawbreakers at its core was actually a pretty good game overall, it just got fucked by Cliffy's ego being way too large causing constant PR blunders and poor launch timing.


Dec 22, 2016
And nothing of value was lost.
I know shitting on Lawbreakers and Cliffy is "cool" and all but to say Lawbreakers was nothing of value is pretty lame. Lawbreakers at its core was actually a pretty good game overall, it just got fucked by Cliffy's ego being way too large causing constant PR blunders and poor launch timing.
Agree, but Cliffy's hijinx, while still present, were only a drop in the ocean. A bunch of mad gamers is hardly compared to the effect of Nexon giving pretty much 0 marketing and support. Kind of hard to have people not buy your game because they don't like you when they don't even fucking know there's a game.


Aug 20, 2017
That's true too. Lawbreakers was basically destined to fail because:
1. Cliffy B was a retard and brought in negative PR,
2. Game was barely marketed at all,
3. Originally designed and meant to be a F2P game, ended up a $30 game,
4. Bad, bad, bad launch timing.

If it was a F2P game I would guarantee that the game would have had twice as many players on launch and been a success.


Dec 22, 2016
I don't know. F2P games of this vein have also died in pretty much the same way, and knowing Nexon, hardly much would have been that different. Maybe instead of staying radio silent while still taking full price purchases, they'd have a ridiculous monetization model. What if, what if. As Ross said, it would hardly have been too hard to "keep alive". Matches can have even just 3v3 or 4v4 instead of the already low 5v5. And it's not even that hard to get matches if you go to the official discord and whatnot.

I wish I could play it until it goes away, but there's still too damn few randies on average, my computer had a downgrade so I can't run it anymore and it's a bit too depressing, the idea to get better at the game for just eventually that conditioning being completely wasted.

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