No, in DD1 you had a chance to find unique gear specific to that location or at least that piece of equipment would be made available normally much later in the game, its easiest to notice in the DLC island. In DD2 all eq found in overworld is available for buy in the closest shop in that region or less often in the neighbouring shop in higher lvl region (not counting the post game stuff). Yes numbers grow bigger and you find more of the same monsters that you have fought ten times already, what a great reward. Wouldn't finding new interesting looking gear and fighting new monsters with unique mechanics be much more interesting, yes DD2 combat is great but even it grows old when you find the same Chimeras, Minotaurs and Ogres etc. Everyone wanted more monsters yet the expansion of their roster was quite lackluster in DD2.That aspect is same in the original game
Overworld loot in both DD1 and 2, only serves two purposes: shit to sell to make money ; acquiring materials for equipment upgrades and alchemy
Very occasionally you might find a chest with some new equipment, but that's quickly upstaged by the better gear shops will get in the next act of the campaign (plus all chests respawn their loot after some days, which further reinforces that overworld loot is just meant to be sold if it isn't some material the player is in need of)
Basically, the rewards for exploration are money, exp and the fights themselves
And how does few npcs compare to the kwanzanian levels of diversity in DD2?There's also the shopkeeper of the Black Cat, the travelling merchant, the owner of the barber shop, the jail keeper, various guards in general and some civillians
I don't give a fuck about the lineage of beast races in rpgs, since when do you have to like every fantasy concept like if it was a package deal? There are many fantasy genres and many settings, no need to love everything. And do you really think that i see them as some representation of irl furry retards? I use "furry" as a derogatory term, i hate those retards irl so i use their name as a way to mock the fantasy beast races. Beast races are boring and their implementations are often cringy af, put an animal head on a man, add a fur texture to his body and make him function in human society like some fucking minority, what a great original idea (honestly that also applies to aliens). For me the only somewhat acceptable presence of beast races is when they are more of a half sentient mythological monsters or aspects/servants/demons etc. of some deity, not just humans with animal heads.Beast Man races have been an enduring staple in role-playing videogames since at least the early 90s and the trope itself is much older than that in fantasy fiction (both instances literally predate the modern furry phenomenon)
So it is somewhat unlikely someone likes the idea of fantasy races if they seemingly "hate" something as classic as beastfolk