RPG Codex is not even a real games journalism site. Where are their unboxing videos?
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Are the gamejournos trying to take Codex down already? Had this going for last 15 minutes or so.
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Ah, that's what it was. Cheers.Are the gamejournos trying to take Codex down already? Had this going for last 15 minutes or so.
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RPG Codex gave up breathing and other forms of weakness a long time ago.
rpg codex, you just made the list of sites I read and recommend
RPGCodex is a great site if you are hardcore into RPGs.
Cleve has threatened to sue several times, and there was that guy with the beautiful drawing of a minotaur smelling a rose that someone so callously posted without asking his permission first.Also, inbe4 lawsuit threats and article editing, with consecutive firing of grotsnik.
Has the Codex ever received legal threats? DarkUnderlord, can you enlighten us?
grotsnik You just expanded the reach and influence of the prestigious magazine... by opening the doors to unwashed barbaric hordes.
ah, the gay minotaur man, good times...Cleve has threatened to sue several times, and there was that guy with the beautiful drawing of a minotaur smelling a rose that someone so callously posted without asking his permission first.Also, inbe4 lawsuit threats and article editing, with consecutive firing of grotsnik.
Has the Codex ever received legal threats? DarkUnderlord, can you enlighten us?
ah, the gay minotaur man, good times...Cleve has threatened to sue several times, and there was that guy with the beautiful drawing of a minotaur smelling a rose that someone so callously posted without asking his permission first.Also, inbe4 lawsuit threats and article editing, with consecutive firing of grotsnik.
Has the Codex ever received legal threats? DarkUnderlord, can you enlighten us?
Where these quotes are from?RPG Codex gave up breathing and other forms of weakness a long time ago.
rpg codex, you just made the list of sites I read and recommend
RPGCodex is a great site if you are hardcore into RPGs.
grotsnik You just expanded the reach and influence of the prestigious magazine... by opening the doors to unwashed barbaric hordes.
What's with the positive response at NeoGaf? Are those all Codexers in disguise?
neoGAF said:{the codex article was} Brilliant. Exhaustive. Researched. Scathing. No games journalist can read this and honestly say there's "no story here."
The longer this goes unanswered, the more it looks like journalists are waving their collective hand and saying "these aren't the facts you're looking for."
Jebus chris moran. You cant into reading TWO pages?Where these quotes are from?
Neogaf said:Brilliant. Exhaustive. Researched. Scathing. No games journalist can read this and honestly say there's "no story here." Every gamer and every journalist--hell, everyone who works in and has an interest in the gaming industry--should read this. If there were such a thing as GAF canon, this editorial would belong in it.
Sorry. Just found it 2 minutes after requesting the link.Jebus chris moran. You cant into reading TWO pages?Where these quotes are from?
Oh gawd, what have you done Ms. Bee. (twitter).
Oh gawd, what have you done Ms. Bee. (twitter).