Chris Avellone
Could you talk about more canned projects? Like the game you were making with Disney? Or other stuff we haven’t heard about? Are most of those cancellations because of Feargus?
Dwarves was Disney’s part. Kevin or Brian Mitsoda could speak to it more – if they were allowed to speak.
Hidden was a pitch that never got optioned (it was urban fantasy). Which was good it didn’t get optioned, because the idea was taken from another developer at Capcom that Feargus stole and then slightly modified the idea from (a developer who I’ve since apologized to and explained what happened). Feargus felt strongly if we took the idea and made some tweaks to it, it was all right and Obsidian could make it work. I didn’t feel good about it, but to my shame, I went along with it. Yes, I suck and I should have fought harder, but at the time, I was overlooking things and trying to be supportive of someone who had seemingly been supportive to me.
Overall, with
Hidden, you weren’t missing anything –
Fables comics and the
Dresden Files books were better than what was put together (and it wasn't even as good as the Capcom pitch), and because of how it got put into being, I’m glad it never went anywhere.
There were a lot of prototypes and small projects that failed for various reasons, some run by Parker, some run by Feargus - all governing a small team.
On top of this, Feargus would often request pitches and proposals from Obsidianites, then never do anything with any of them (the other owners were also culpable for this). After the second time he did this, I told him while I would help him set up a structure for accepting proposals, I would no longer be responsible for asking for them. He got mad at this, and pushed me to send out the request to be the "face" of the asking, and I told him I wouldn’t because he never reviewed or accepted any of them – he was just asking for people’s cool ideas and ignoring all of them. It was cruel, and a waste of people’s time at the studio – why do you give false hope to people? I will say, we got a LOT of kick-ass ideas (Tony Evans and Frank Kowalkowski – both gone – had some great pitches, and so did Dennis Presnell, if I recall correctly). The cruel bit was once they submitted them, even though Obsidian would do nothing with them, that meant they were all owned by the company and would gather dust. It was a garbage practice that I no longer subscribed to (and yes, I feel bad for the first two times I advocated it, but at the time, I thought the owners were making genuine requests that would be actually evaluated).
Something similar happened with a global request to Obsidian artists to make a logo for the studio – which was done, all were rejected, despite the fact Feargus said he would choose a winner and reward them (cash prize, which arguably all the artists would have been happy to have). While you can argue that was upper management’s right to reject them all if they weren't happy with one, they didn’t exactly say
they hadn’t chosen one, and because they also had promised a cash prize for the winner, this caused a lot of questions… because it was never delivered on and never paid to anyone. While this is their right, I think they could have altered the rules of the request to account for them being dissatisfied with all the results and making a contingency plan for that that still thanked people for their work, or asked for new options - or something.) I will say that because Feargus, Darren, and Parker didn't choose any of them, they were indirectly insulting the art skills of our artists by doing so, which made a bad situation even worse.
Backspace failed because
Stormlands got them fired because they were in the middle of a prototype and thus, were all considered expendable despite their skills and how much they'd done for the company (again, Feargus's sister was retained, however). I do believe Jason Fader would love to get it back, though, but… nope. Even if Obsidian has no plans to do anything with it, they’re keeping it (I had much the same experience of having a pitch taken from me when it was clear we weren’t going to do Defiance b/c Parker hated it and swore he’d “check out”* if we kept discussing it and pushing ahead with it [Note that if I had said the same thing, you can bet I’d have been suspended or fired, but it was Parker saying he'd check out, Feargus listened to him]. After it was clear it couldn't go anywhere, I asked Feargus if I could at least do something with it outside the company, he refused - which is his right, but I had spent a lot of time on it, and it was disheartening to see it shelved with no intention of ever being used for anything. If you don't support it, why are you keeping it?).
Lastly, there were project pitches that were mismanaged in new and exciting ways. One got weighed down by being initially being (correctly) confined to a small team (Mikey Dowling, me, and a few others, but Mikey's passion for the material was the important heart of the project), but then, new people and owners were added to the email chains and they would interrupt the communication with the potential publisher. This happened in increasing amounts (almost doubling the email thread) until the publisher had no idea who they should be talking to anymore. It would have been a huge win for the studio had we got it, but again, it was not meant to be, and it was definitely our process that clouded the pitch.
And while I kept wishing Obsidian would let Rich Taylor make a game, that’s a rug that’s been ripped out twice already for two projects (Rich was the PD who kept
Armored Warfare running and supported most of the studio – he’s also an avid gamer, and one of the developers I have a lot of respect for). I don’t know what he’s doing now, but I’m hoping his talents aren’t being wasted because he should be making games, and making good ones.
EDIT: *I was reminded that the phrase Chris Parker used for Defiance was "tapping out." As in, "if we proceed with this pitch, I'm tapping out."