Prime Junta
IMO you need someone in charge of projects and hierarchy to keep track of who's doing what and how they are progressing. If someone's not pulling their weight, for whatever reason, there needs to be process to sort out any problems, I know it's probably problematic in creative endeavors as creative fluids might not flow on schedule, but how else can you keep the project running on time?
In my experience, clear hierarchy is necessary to keep it clear who is responsible for what and who reports to whom, of course it doesn't always work like it's planned as there might be personality clashes and whatnot.
As I said, some hierarchy is probably inevitable. The question is how high is the structure, and how do people in it conceive of their responsibilities. Of course situations where someone isn't working out -- not pulling their weight, causing social problems, whatever -- need to be sorted out, and it's maybe a little bit utopian to expect a comrades' court to take care of it.
In my opinion a software house should be organised a bit like a carpentry workshop. Making software -- and this applies to a game just as well as any other software -- is a craft after all. You've got your master craftsman who understands the whole process. You've got your journeymen who are at least competent, possibly extremely competent in one or more specific areas as well as having at least a partial understanding of the big picture. And you've got your apprentices who range from people who are just learning the craft to a majority who's capable of working productively under supervision, to a few that are already very good at some limited areas. The journeymen mentor the apprentices and the master participates in the work, teaches the most promising journeymen personally, and breaks any ties that emerge in the work.
And of course the master and journeymen agree about who takes charge of producing whichever order is being worked on, and how the journeymen and apprentices are assigned to each of the orders. But you don't really need an Assistant Sub-Manager Of Fishtail Joins with a team of Junior Fishtail Join Engineers working in his team, just somebody who's able to make a fishtail join, and some mechanism to make him available where fishtail joins are needed.