Cis-Het Oppressor
You realize how hypocritical that sounds when just a few hours ago you forbid Kit Walker from using the same avatar as MCA since it was confusing readers, right?
Abusing forum privileges gently, such as when my all-time record-setting Brofist count was deleted, is for funsies.
Systematically pruning the political opinions of anyone right of max left and moving them someplace hidden is censorship by proxy and half a step away from Resetera.
This has nothing to do with politics, no one is asking you to ban the attention-whores spamming low-effort shitposts - you just don't have to keep them in this thread. Otherwise what's the point of having GD and its sub-forums?
Excuse me, but many of my shitposts are high-effort. I spent a lot of time in Photoshop making some of those racist maymays!
GD is for non-gaming-related politics and also many other types of discussion (cooking, movies, etc.) unrelated to gaming. GG is for GG-specific discussion. Did it ever occur to you that politics are sometimes relevant to a particular game? When studios hire actual political ideologues who crusade for "social justice" on the same social media accounts that they use to discuss the game, and when these people will be doing the game's writing, who has turned the game discussion political: the developers, or GD dwellers?
I've noticed that DU consistently allows some (if not nearly all) political discussion to remain in threads that merit it. The Mass Effect: Andromeda thread from last year is a prominent example. Funny, but you and people like you weren't whingeing up a storm when we were all laughing and joking about the blatantly obvious SJW shenanigans in that game. Oh, perhaps you don't want the evil forum Nazis to scare Chris away? That's funny, because I personally give him the benefit of the doubt of being a grown man who can handle himself without special babysitting.
DU's sanity and steadfastness in the face of this titanic whingeing campaign has convinced me to renew my Patron status for the first time in years to the tune of $100, even though he rooked me out of all my hard-won Brofists.