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Editorial RPG Codex Report: Wasteland 2 Release Party


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Play the game Roguey

After it's fixed. I've read enough stories of California's inept scripting, weird npcs, and misflagged ending slides.

Deleted member 7219


Banned Jasede.

MRY Keep in mind that inXile's view of the Codex may also be colored by that embarrassing-in-retrospect "a few disgruntled beta testers temporarily turn the forum into a cesspool of anti-Wasteland 2 butthurt for eight months" episode.

I think it was more the case that all the reasonable minded Codexers were waiting for the full release and avoided Early Access (who the fuck wants to alpha or beta test a game anyway?) and left the Wasteland 2 threads to the crazies.

Cowboy Moment

Feb 8, 2011
Sometimes it seems like the Codex is akin to Fallout's Vault Dweller: after long years in the desert saving RPGs from corruption into stupid, sterile giants, the Codex hopes to enjoy the years of peace and comfort, only to find that no one else can accept the harsh character that the years of struggle required. Time to go build a Temple of Trials, I guess.
I really like this description.

I find it apt in terms of the perception that the Codex hates modern RPGs - it clearly doesn't, it's a broad church. But I think criticisms of racism and misogyny at the Codex are justified.

The Codex has done great work in the past few years, with the fundraisers for the incline (the Codex is putting its money where its mouth is - an honorable trait), but the casual racism and misogyny in many areas of the site are what give it a really bad rep.

Why only mention racism and misogyny? Surely the Codex is also homophobic and actively contemptuous of many nationalities. Do you not care about gay people, or Polish people, Matt? What does that say about you as a person?

Honestly, if given a choice between succumbing to the PC hysteria and just insulting everyone equally, I'll always choose the latter, and I'm left-leaning when it comes to political views. For further elaboration, you can watch that famous Zizek video about racist jokes. That, in my mind, is what primarily happens on the Codex.

Deleted member 7219

Sometimes it seems like the Codex is akin to Fallout's Vault Dweller: after long years in the desert saving RPGs from corruption into stupid, sterile giants, the Codex hopes to enjoy the years of peace and comfort, only to find that no one else can accept the harsh character that the years of struggle required. Time to go build a Temple of Trials, I guess.
I really like this description.

I find it apt in terms of the perception that the Codex hates modern RPGs - it clearly doesn't, it's a broad church. But I think criticisms of racism and misogyny at the Codex are justified.

The Codex has done great work in the past few years, with the fundraisers for the incline (the Codex is putting its money where its mouth is - an honorable trait), but the casual racism and misogyny in many areas of the site are what give it a really bad rep.

Why only mention racism and misogyny? Surely the Codex is also homophobic and actively contemptuous of many nationalities. Do you not care about gay people, or Polish people, Matt? What does that say about you as a person?

Honestly, if given a choice between succumbing to the PC hysteria and just insulting everyone equally, I'll always choose the latter, and I'm left-leaning when it comes to political views. For further elaboration, you can watch that famous Zizek video about racist jokes. That, in my mind, is what primarily happens on the Codex.

There is homophobia and there's a lot of anti-Polish bigotry but I think the anti-black racism is the most noticeable. You don't need to look hard to find that black guy dancing with chicken (it was even made an official smiley), or the word 'nigger' used in casual conversation.

If being PC means not being a fucking dick to people for no reason then I guess I'm PC. This is a gaming forum, not a website to hate on people for things they can't change.


Custom Tags Are For Fags.
Nov 18, 2011
Valley of Mines
Divinity: Original Sin Wasteland 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Sometimes it seems like the Codex is akin to Fallout's Vault Dweller: after long years in the desert saving RPGs from corruption into stupid, sterile giants, the Codex hopes to enjoy the years of peace and comfort, only to find that no one else can accept the harsh character that the years of struggle required. Time to go build a Temple of Trials, I guess.
I really like this description.

Yeah, definitely :salute:


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
Sticks and stones, etc.

C'mon, it's the internet. I like the Codex precisely because I can get away with using slurs and whatnot. It doesn't make a great person, but it makes me feel free. I'm tired of having to censor my language on the internet. This is one of the last free havens, especially now with moot going full SJW. Trust me, no n-, no black person is offended when we use the n-word here, same as no ass-fucker gets their panties in a twist when we say faggot. And let's not even get started on "retarded" which we probably use as often as the words "is" or "and".

Nobody here except for a small minority truly /hates/ anyone based on their color or sexuality. It's just colorful language. Sure, there are SOME real nutjob racists here, but that's the price of freedom. And I for one am fine with it, especially 'cause they mostly stay on the politics forum anyway.

Despite popular perception, most posters here truly aren't racist or even ultra-conservative. In fact, on average, we're likely to be one of the most liberal (in the classical meaning) communities. Where else do you find autists, trannies, faggots, spics and gooks, conservotards and lieberuls all united in their hatred for shitty RPGs? This is what real inclusivity looks like. Sure, it's not pretty and won't look good to anyone, but that's what it's like. If everyone is equal and free then that means everyone gets to be shit on equally.

We don't care if you take it up the ass, want the Jews killed, are a Jew, are a nigger, white trash, a spic, we don't care if you're male or M2F, we don't care if you're blue or red. We're all a big, hateful family. And that's why we're awesome.

Peace... you faggots.
Last edited:


Jul 20, 2008
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Why only mention racism and misogyny? Surely the Codex is also homophobic and actively contemptuous of many nationalities. Do you not care about gay people, or Polish people, Matt? What does that say about you as a person?

Honestly, if given a choice between succumbing to the PC hysteria and just insulting everyone equally, I'll always choose the latter, and I'm left-leaning when it comes to political views. For further elaboration, you can watch that famous Zizek video about racist jokes. That, in my mind, is what primarily happens on the Codex.
There are a lot of dumbfucks who think it's edgy or funny to blame gays and women for many problems both with rpgs and the world in general.

It's definitely the least enjoyable aspect of the codex to me.


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
I don't think the Codex's gaming forums are racist at all.

The Codex isn't really racist. But what it also isn't is what SJWs call a "Safe Space".

Codexers don't throw the word "nigger" around all the time - but you do know that sometime, somewhere, somebody MIGHT throw it. And that knowledge weighs heavily on the minds of some people.

Cowboy Moment

Feb 8, 2011
Sometimes it seems like the Codex is akin to Fallout's Vault Dweller: after long years in the desert saving RPGs from corruption into stupid, sterile giants, the Codex hopes to enjoy the years of peace and comfort, only to find that no one else can accept the harsh character that the years of struggle required. Time to go build a Temple of Trials, I guess.
I really like this description.

I find it apt in terms of the perception that the Codex hates modern RPGs - it clearly doesn't, it's a broad church. But I think criticisms of racism and misogyny at the Codex are justified.

The Codex has done great work in the past few years, with the fundraisers for the incline (the Codex is putting its money where its mouth is - an honorable trait), but the casual racism and misogyny in many areas of the site are what give it a really bad rep.

Why only mention racism and misogyny? Surely the Codex is also homophobic and actively contemptuous of many nationalities. Do you not care about gay people, or Polish people, Matt? What does that say about you as a person?

Honestly, if given a choice between succumbing to the PC hysteria and just insulting everyone equally, I'll always choose the latter, and I'm left-leaning when it comes to political views. For further elaboration, you can watch that famous Zizek video about racist jokes. That, in my mind, is what primarily happens on the Codex.

There is homophobia and there's a lot of anti-Polish bigotry but I think the anti-black racism is the most noticeable. You don't need to look hard to find that black guy dancing with chicken (it was even made an official smiley), or the word 'nigger' used in casual conversation.

If being PC means not being a fucking dick to people for no reason then I guess I'm PC. This is a gaming forum, not a website to hate on people for things they can't change.

Yes, obviously using the word "nigger" in a casual conversation is equivalent to hating black people. Just like casual use of the word "fag" is equivalent to a seething hatred of homosexuals. This is what annoys me about this, the idea that using certain words makes you evil. It fucking doesn't. At most it makes you slightly rude, given that anyone offended by our casual use of these terrible words has a million and one ways of ignoring us, starting with not reading the Codex forums.

Frankly (and this was also Zizek's point), exaggerated ethnic and racial insults promote kind of brotherhood. I can casually call praetor a dirty HUEHUE monkey, and he can reply by telling me to go back to my dirty potato field, and the end result of this exchange is that we've both affirmed that our nationalities and ethnicities don't matter one bit for the bond of brotherhood that we share (although I will never forgive Grunker and Infinitron for their heretical views on BG and Fallout).

I will say though, we need more niggers on the Codex, now that we have some real (?) women. Diversity is always good.
Dec 14, 2012
It's pretty easy to steer clear of GD/Politics if one wants to avoid the most "offensive" stuff. And the fact that they are only open to longer-time members and patrons (a good move imo) means casual readers and lurkers don't even encounter them.

The freedom to say almost anything without being censored does seem to attract a certain breed of troll but also results in interesting and open discussions. I find reading other gaming forums pretty painful in comparison, with loads of passive-aggressive insults and slights festering under the partial eye of the moderators. It sometimes seems there is far more actual hatred on sites like that where people can't just say what they really mean and are always measuring each other against the standard for "acceptable" behaviour.


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
Absolutely true on the passive aggression. Just go to RPG Watch if you want to see what enforced nicety does to a forum: passive-aggressive cunts everywhere. The kind that'd leave you aggressive post-it notes if they were your roommate.


Never LET ME into a tattoo parlor!
Aug 18, 2010
Project: Eternity Wasteland 2
I don't think the Codex's gaming forums are racist at all.

The Codex isn't really racist. But what it also isn't is what SJWs call a "Safe Space".

Codexers don't throw the word "nigger" around all the time - but you do know that sometime, somewhere, somebody MIGHT throw it. And that knowledge weighs heavily on the minds of some people.

When I first came to the codex I threw around "jew" a lot...

Thats just a marking of the bad times man..

personally... I'm a "cultural marxist" whatever that means....seriusrly fuck the /pol/ shit and those faggots.... I fight the good fight


Barely Literate
Aug 27, 2014
Los Angeles
Beyond this, there are apparently hundreds of other little tidbits scattered throughout the game, but Joby was thankfully forthright with a hint exclusive to this article: In a missile silo, there is a console which allows for player input. Type the word ‘Joshua’.


I was derping around that computer for good half hour because there's an unlockable safe attached to it. I knew something is going on with it. And sure enough, I just tried the Joshua password and the safe opened and there was an unique loot.

And there are a lot of such things in this game. Doors and safes protected by passwords, unlockable containers, mysterious NPCs. Yes, they're cool and oldskool and all....I just wish they weren't just some programmer's easter eggs, totally cryptic and unfathomable outside the inXile programmers office. I wish players could actually figure out those "little tidbits" through in-game clues and hints. Because they're not exactly hidden and inconspicuous. Most of them are right in the my grille and leave my pointlessly obsessing about them and looking for clues.

No fair Fargo! :outrage:


Barely Literate
Aug 27, 2014
Los Angeles
Amasius: Though some of you weren't sold on his style, Dan is a great writer and a great artist. We'll have a chance to show off some of his stuff shortly, as he's doing art (and hopefully writing, down the line) on Wormwood Studios' current project.
I don't doubt that, he surely has a way with words, but in my eyes the style he has choosen doesn't suit him. Or anyone who isn't on drugs. Or expects to be read by people not on drugs. Now I'm really curious about your project though. Don't tantalize us to long, will you?

Definitely trying to get read by people on drugs. [


Barely Literate
Aug 27, 2014
Los Angeles
What goes on in the darkened halls of the Codex? Told that I was there writing a report for the site, those that knew would produce a pained sort of smile, observe the impressive tenure or wide readership of the Codex, and admit their own varied past with the site. Then a pause, and remembrance of a place on the internet where good ideas (and decency) are harried, tortured, profaned, shredded and whittled to oblivion

We're famous! :D


Crescent Hawk

Jul 10, 2014
I really hope all the best for them, we might now see another good age of crpgs. I just wish we had time to save Looking Glass as well...
But anyway I am hopeful for the future, this seems to be a strong niche, and even it becomes an elite space like Rise of Flight or something, at least it exists.


Fabulous Ex-Moderator
May 14, 2004
Seattle, WA USA
Haha, didn't know Joystiq gave WL2 3/5 because of bugs! Quite a coincidence that Skyrim with all its launch bugs, still got 5/5! Funny thing.

So now ONLY Obsidian and inXile make games with bugs according to Professional Gaming Journalists™! *shock and awe*

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