Doesn't a "miss" attack roll in D&D represent a someone's armor absorbing a blow completely or a dodge?
Sorry I triggered you Prime Jewta
How long until you fall back to Infinitron's "but the system is actually not that important guise it's about the content looool", I wonder.
I see very little functional difference in having 30% more damage for a 10 point ability score investment.
You pick from what the designers deigned to offer you, instead of rolling your own.
Not true. BG2 needs kits because the base classes are almost 100% on-rails,
(FWIW I'm a systemfag, and one reason I like Pillars is that, unlike the AD&D games, it has a system interesting and intelligent enough to explore.)
That's exactly what PoE is. Somehow Sawyer made people feel that it was their own amazing creativity that resulted in their muscle wizurd, when it was Sawyer bending over backwards to support whatever archetypes he wanted and ONLY those, because god forbid somebody might do something he didn't intend and break his precious system.
Ah, so it "needs" kits, which means let's ignore them and let's just consider the base classes, right?
Some parts of this review are obsolete since v3.05 went out though. For example, there's mentioned at least twice in Dat Roxor's article that you cannot rest in your keep without passing four loading screens, which is not true in 3.05 - enter the map, hit the rest button and that's it, no need to pass any loading screens. Also he's referring to areas with weak enemies overleveled by your party, while I was asked whether I'd like to proceed with standard encounter design or scaled-up to my level enemies before entering such map in 3.05.. Seem that Obsidian took these complaints seriously and tweaked their game accordingly.As for everyone else thePillars of Eternity review is here:
I'm sure you've seen the links since you've rated the posts in which I've posted them. Try harder.
hmm, I suppose you could always fall back on "if a build was proven to be effective, it was planned by Sawyer."
I recommend clicking on this link: http://www.rpgcodex.net/forums/index.php?forums/obsidian-entertainment.96/ignore-confirm
and this link:
and in general not responding in any Obisidan thread (unless they'll produce something decent again). These reviews still appear only because there are enough clicks/replies.
That's because it's the kind of game (and developer) that draws ideologues like retarded moths to a dry shit-fueled flame.one thing that will never cease to amaze me is just how much apologetics people may engage in for such a mediocre game
Actually, I did not. I only rated posts of yours in like the last 2 pages (get over it) and I didn't see any link.
But assume I'm blind, and just give me two builds of the same class and explain to me how they're so off-the-wall and how they play so different from each other.
Doesn't a "miss" attack roll in D&D represent a someone's armor absorbing a blow completely or a dodge?
In fact, the way you use Valygar is completely different from Minsc, and both are rangers!
This FAKE NEWS about Pillars stats being thrash has to stop.
On a per point basis, PoE abilities are on the same level as Bg2, with only strength for melee/throw being close on certain scores.
Take dexterity, the difference from gooing from 10 to 20 DEX is +3 ranged hit and -4 AC. Pillars DEX gives you 30% attack speed and 20 Reflex. The 3+ hit (for ranged only) is much less of a DPS boost than 30 attack speed. The defensive stats are comparable.
Constitution on a Warrior class at 20 gives you +5 for the first 9 levels on 1d10, Pillars gives you +50%. Pillars breaks even on the first levels and wins after. You get shorty saves +1hp regen, but PoE gives everyone fortitude.
Charisma is useless (change party leader, RoHI, Friends [it only has discount value in Bg2, allegedly there are some checks in Bg1]). Intelligence is useless too, it just tells you which NPC's are shitty mages - it's a "you have to be this tall to ride" attribute, no gameplay value. Wisdom at 20 gives you 10 extra spells, this competes with PoE attributes affecting spells (INT, PER, MIG, DEX) and PoE simply giving you more spells naturally.
Strength vs Might requires some assumptions about your damage and enemy DR, and how you'd treat exceptional Strength. On a per point bases MIG starts losing out once you get past 18ish, but this isn't surprising, since melee weapon DPS in PoE benefits from DEX and PER too.
Shitting on PoE attributes and praising IE ones is mostly a FEELZ argument.
This is what libtards said about the US 'lections too. Guess what sonny?They've resorted to posting edgy memes and raging. I guess that means we won.
This is what libtards said about the US 'lections too. Guess what sonny?