
Just out of curiosity, is there any non-Codex review that doesn't praise PoE as the next best thing since porn?
I doubt it.. Not in a world where this can happen:
Do note that DA:I has a pretty low user score. PoE. however, stands at a confortable 8.5 last I checked.
Bottom line: non-codex are also capable of realizing how shitty the DA series is, but PoE hate is a Codex thing.
The question was about reviews.. However ~~
I don't like the game, but I can't be bothered to take that discussion past a few threads on this forum (AKA I am not mentally retarded enough to create a meta critic account).. which is mostly for my own pleasure anyway. Believe it or not.. meta critic users are not a golden standard for if a game is good or not.
In fact...
I think the only way you could convince me to sign up to meta critic is if the game I was balls deep in love with and was made by my favourite waifu game designer was suddenly under attack by dissenters and betrayers of my favourite online communities..
Or in other words..

EDIT: Can I just point something else out about your logic?
POE User Scores:
- Positive: 270 out of 347
- Mixed: 31 out of 347
- Negative: 46 out of 347

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