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Review RPG Dot opinion on KOTOR


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Re: hmmm.....

Gvaz Elite said:
>>>5: kotor is actually in fact turn based. so is neverwinter nights. the two fighting creatures take turns by the roll of the dice. just like in actual d&d. I know what im talking about. (for that at least) if it wasn't, the "orders" your characters are given would be instantaneous, like hack and slash

KotOR and NWN aren't turn based. Turn based means that every action happens within a turn, where a turn is each individual's actions are handled within that frame. A round is the set of turns where everything happens for everyone during that frame of time. So, if Bob and Jane are both running at the same time, Bob and Jane aren't in turn based, because actions for everyone don't occur at the same time in turn based. It's sequential in nature, as opposed to simultaneous which is how both NWN and KotOR are.

At best, KotOR and NWN are phase based(also called round based), where every event during the total round is decided at the start of the round.

If you're going to review games, it might be a good idea for you to actually know what these terms mean beforehand.

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