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Community Save RPG Codex with the Power of Fallout


Oct 26, 2007
Shannow said:
Lesifoere said:
But if everyone here, male or female, is an angry cunt, does that mean the guys will have to buy and wear those too?
Nah, we may be angry cunts, but we don't bleed on a regular basis and survive. That is unnatural.

It's not that much blood. I'm sure manly men like Codex's males can survive it perfectly--just sit down and cut yourselves continuously for a few days every month, and you're set.

Jaime Lannister

Jun 15, 2007
i just played the vampire quest in fallout 3 and am fairly pissed that killing larpers does not fall under the spectrum of good karma


Apr 16, 2008
fallout even not patched for xp works fine same with number 2 and I bought both when they came out and played both completely unpatched recently.


Waster of Time
Sep 15, 2006
Finnegan's Wake
Lesifoere said:
It's not that much blood. I'm sure manly men like Codex's males can survive it perfectly--just sit down and cut yourselves continuously for a few days every month, and you're set.
Can't speak for the others but I'd feel like I was copying those pathetic women who cannot afford flails to chastise themselves. Although it'd be for purely scientific purposes I wouldn't feel comfortable with that. ;)
Now lets stop derailing. Some people were kind enough to answer my questions to the best of their abilities and maybe there is more to come.

I'd really like to see the ending in fallout and be sure to keep my car (with trunk) in fallout 2...
Dec 19, 2007
Lesifoere said:
But if everyone here, male or female, is an angry cunt, does that mean the guys will have to buy and wear those too?

Incidentally, how's WinXP compatibility? I understand that the FO games can be a little funny on XP (I know PS:T acts odd sometimes on my machine), and though GOG promises XP/Vista compatibility, there's no FAQ or details to reassure me.

The banner on top of the page is very... orange.

Bot Fallouts worked just fine on my last XP installation, and at least Gametap's Fallout worked just fine on my mothers cruddy mini-laptop which has Vista.


Most Frabjous
Staff Member
Oct 7, 2003
Your Mind
Pastel said:
I've already bought FO 1 and 2, so I'm afraid I can't contribute. Can't you negotiate with good old GOG to extend the offer to other games as well? Maybe I'd buy OFP or something.
They should be opening their entire catalogue to us in a few months, so hang in there.


Apr 1, 2006
Wait, let's say I want to buy FreeSpace from GoG: if I go to their site through the banner ad on the Codex for Fallout Games, then browse around until I find Freespace 2, then buy it, will the Codex get any revenue for that transaction? Or does the Codex only get revenue when someone clicks on the banner ad and immediately purchases the games that it links to?


Dec 29, 2002
Krakow, Poland
Divinity: Original Sin Wasteland 2
Right now the Codex won't get anything from your purchase of Freespace. The offer is (temporarily - from what Taluntain said) restricted to the Fallouts.


Most Frabjous
Staff Member
Oct 7, 2003
Your Mind
Elwro said:
Right now the Codex won't get anything from your purchase of Freespace. The offer is (temporarily - from what Taluntain said) restricted to the Fallouts.
Correct. I'll bug GOG to extend the affiliation soon.


Apr 1, 2006
Taluntain said:
Elwro said:
Right now the Codex won't get anything from your purchase of Freespace. The offer is (temporarily - from what Taluntain said) restricted to the Fallouts.
Correct. I'll bug GOG to extend the affiliation soon.

Let us know if this changes... I don't really have time to play video games right now, but I'll be happy buy FS and some other stuff if can work out an arrangement with GoG sometime during the next month and a half or so. :)

Maybe they could also pay for some banner ads in the other forums?


Oct 21, 2002
CD Projekt, the company behind GOG, is also releasing a new physical edition of FO1+FO2+FOT in Poland.


Feb 26, 2005
It's so nice to see a banner ad for Fallout on the site. I clicked on it and bought FO1. You're goddamn welcome, Codex.

The extras are really nice, especially the soundtrack. The artwork and wallpapers are a nice addition as well. I haven't checked out the fallout bible yet.


Jan 29, 2007
Starbase Delta
Taluntain said:
They should be opening their entire catalogue to us in a few months, so hang in there.

Now I have a good excuse for why I haven't bought anything there yet.


Dec 29, 2002
Krakow, Poland
Divinity: Original Sin Wasteland 2
About 15 years ago Castles 2 was GREAT fun, even though the battle system was not too well developed iirc. But I had a blast designing and building my castles. The strategy layer was not very sophisticated, but worked pretty nice.

I have no idea whether it's playable now, though.


Are these games in any way customized (any at all) to work better on win XP?

There is a few games out there that can induce such exhilaration such as Frespace 2 (sadly i couldn't run Fresspace1 on my pc), Best space shooter slash almost simulation ever made.

First, you can play it with keyboard and mouse but controls on the keyboard are much more important then the mouse which turns the viewpoint around rather slowly. You need big long swipes of the mouse to rotate the ship around. You have to use your throttle and deceleration carefully, especially in a fight.
Missions are well crafted and tense. Later on even really hard with objectives changing several times inside one mission.

Apart from your own ship you get to control your whole wing. Usually four groups each by three or four fighter or bombers.
You can choose a weapon for each of them and that really helps if you have a clear plan of what to use that group for.
Tactics is everything in this game.

You can select any of these squads and give them orders that will send them to do that on the object you have targeted and that is done by a helpful military targeting system in your spaceship.
Of course you can decide what it will be targeting from the selection of targets in the mission.

And the choices are great. You can command them to defend any ship or station or to attack any singular ship or smaller fleet. Fighter can attack enemy bombers for example or you can order them to hunt and destroy big capital ship or station destroying torpedoes torpedoes.
Which you will also occasionally use when trying to take down huge ships of the enemy.

Or to attack specific components of bigger ships. From engines to turrets or bigger guns. And you choose what will work better for each situation.

Which leads us to another great thing about this game... bigger ships, from smaller cruisers and gun ships to large battleships or dreadnoughts. They are freaking huge,

And very dangerous. Every gun boat or smaller cruiser has anti fighter turrets on it that tear you apart if you get closer.
then they have big guns that they use to strike other big ships. They mostly resemble big tubes of plasma pumped out in short bursts.
the effect of one even going past our ship is awesome.
Everything shakes and you are often thrown to the side while you watch your mates or enemies getting caught and exploding like fireflies.

That also happens to you to - a lot :), if you wander too much into the are between the capital ships going at each other.

Some areas in some missions and capital ships are so big that you need a few minutes of speeding by at maximum throttle even to come closer to them. And some are so big that you can travel around them with your tinny fighter. Or just trying to destroy big guns so that your capital ships dont get destroyed.

Whats best, depending on your success in each mission you get awarded with medals for distinguished service.
You can view your medals on a separate screen and they open up extra missions for you. That was very cool.

You do everything, from small combat missions and escorting freighter ships to espionage with stealth flayers to uber huge battles between whole fleets or crazy missions where you need to take down some monstrosity of a ship to really nice missions where tactics and right placement of your squads and adapting to changes is crucial.

The game is freaking beautiful.

I intentionally didnt say anything about music or the setting or atmosphere or the story and movies that guide you through it.

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