MMOs have taken up most of my games related time since early summer. First OSRS, which I'm essentially a noob to, looks gorgeous in its newer areas precisely thanks to its ancient engine's restraint, esp. on the colour palette.
Never really played this before, but it's a chill thing to do in the background while working, or listening to an audiobook; not something to focus on solely (unless you're considerably along the spectrum, maybe); but it is satisfying (esp. on an ironman/ironwoman account) to work towards goals over months and months. Helps counter depressed brain telling you things are pointless.
The other MMO I'm playing is FFXIV, which
Mebrilia the Viera Queen dragged me into playing (for which I'm grateful), and a couple other codexers joined in. I'm taking my damn time levelling up, but gods do I love the weather and variable lighting in this game. Some of these landscapes are incredibly evocative, and I know I'm thusfar only seeing content that's near a decade old.
And then there's these guys; they scare tf out of me, given their rapid breathing and beady eyes. O_O;;;
On the other hand, I was soooooooooooooo excited to discover that
Final Fantasy XIV has a variant of Mahjong! ^^ (God, am I rusty at it though.)
The most blatant takeaway from this game, however, has been how everyone dresses and behaves like manic sluts, lol.
Definitely hard to give them the time they ask and play a ton else, but for now I'm having fun.